Monday, November 22, 2010

Dear Guy:

I would really like to fuck you. And touch your facial hair. And listen to really great music while doing so. Ok, thanks.

Liz Deegan

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bad Day

I really wish some one would stop mentioning last year and just how shitty Thanksgiving was. I don't want to think about it, stop bringing it up.

I also really wish I knew what I was doing with these papers. I feel like I'm drowning in information and I have no clue how to write it. I don't know how to organize it, I don't know what style to write it in. I am just freaking drowning right now. I have a ten page paper, a 25 page paper, and so much more. Like I know my Thanksgiving break will be spent knee deep in feminist theory.

I'm just wrecked.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Tower

I love working on the tower, but this week it's been a hassle. I had to write six articles, and every one else handed in shit. And then, this week, of all the fucking weeks, people start bitching about the Tower. Like, one guy texted Melissa and bitched about my EDITORIAL on Choices. And then some chick and loads of other people on her facebook start bitching about how we're not writing about stuff. Ok, there are six writers total on the staff, and most of those people write one thing or less each week. So, yea we might not be able to write about all the things we should write about, but what the hell can you expect when there are only two writers who are really trying? I'm just getting pissed off, because I feel like I put so much work into it, but people only talk about it when they are complaining. Don't like my article on Choices? Great, I don't really care, because it wasn't meant to offend people, it wasn't meant to hate on people who like Choices, it was meant to be funny. I mean it's an editorial, it's not meant to be straight up news, it has an opinion. And yes, I don't like Choices, and yes, I think it looks like a pedophile's basement. So what? It's not like I didn't talk about the good parts of Choices, I just stated that it wasn't for me, because in my opinion it has a creepy atmosphere and I don't enjoy the things that happen there.

I'm just annoyed, because I don't take other people's opinions to heart, I just deal with them. I truly feel like we are doing everything we can to make The Tower work, it's just difficult when people don't give a shit about it. I'm just tired. I want to smoke a blunt an watch a movie.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love how the one day I actually need to vent, my mom sounds bored and once I pause she begins telling me everything about her life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kid Cudi

Love the new album so hard. I am really happy with it. Also, I'm getting to design and make my own cd, kind of like a mix cd, but we're pretending that it is one band. So I'm making this mix of like indie songs and rap and hip hop songs, and also some pop songs. It's awesome so far. I'm actually really excited about it. And I'm going to try and do a hand-drawn thing, which might be rough, but it will hopefully look awesome. It's just gonna rock.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chicago Trip

So this past weekend I went to Chicago with the Art group! It was honestly so much fun. I got to hang out with some new people, and get to know others better. We went to different museums and the SOFA exhibit. It was so cool, like there was so much art that just astonished me. Also, we walked EVERYWHERE! So like not only did I get to see more of the city, I also got a shit ton of exercise. And I got to eat some good food. Mmm yummy. It was awesome.

On Thursday I'm going to Kansas City. Yeesh I'm a busy gal.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I got an A on my story! Yesss! I am so happy. I mean I know I need to fix some things, but a 90 is like perfection as of now. Plus I also found out how to fix my short story, which is even better! I love creative writing!


This week has been really good so far. Finding out some good new about people, getting in trouble with the law with Christy, chilling with Melissa, getting high on a Monday night. Today might break or make it. I'm probably going to get my 15 page story back and I'm super nervous. Also we are going over my short story in class today. Alack. Today could go very badly. I hope things continue in the fashion of yesterday.