Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life after Graceland?

I'm having trouble imagining it. Like I can, but it's either too ideal or depressing, so I try not to.
1. Grad School
2. Try and get a job
3. Other
As of now, starting all over again in another school seems bogus, and I really don't want to spend $40,000, or move back to NY for a year and then have to move somewhere else. And a I mean this is the most likely option. But it's scary, because once you get a job, it's like permanent. I was looking at Krista's pictures of her trip to India, and it makes me just want to travel. Find some sort of job on the go and just travel and live in different places. This would be the third option. Do something unexpected and go places I've never been before. This would be a dream. Emphasis on DREAM. Unless somehow I got a job that wanted me to travel. I just feel like there is so much I want to do, but I can't see how it's all possible. I mean I don't want to travel forever, but it might be the best time to do it. I'm going to think about it. A whole lot. It's on my mind. Hmf.

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