Friday, October 29, 2010

Summer Time

I have no clue what I'm doing for summer. Internship? Work on Art show? Work on writing? Go back to New York? Go somewhere else? Stay in Lamoni?

I literally do not know. It's kind of been bugging me recently. Like its so open. I mean I don't want to be doing so much because I need to get my art show stuff done and I need to write. But I don't want to just sit around and spend money. I mean I feel like I should have a job for the summer. I don't know, I don't want to go back to New York for the whole summer. I just need to figure it out.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm really not trying to be a jerk....

...but, I just love it when my mom tells me to take a break and relax and watch a movie, but then tells me like thirty different stories.

I love her like crazy, but sometimes she talks my ear off!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Break

I haven't posted in a while. Fall Break is over and I'm half sad and half happy. I'm sad because I didn't get nearly enough work done, and I still don't feel good about my story. I'm happy because I get to go back to school and see ma friends. Fun times. But next monday I have to present my Senior Honors Seminar thing. I am not psyched. I was supposed to work on that this weekend, but I got bogged up doing my story and another essay. And next weekend I have to do a 6-8 page paper for Honors Humanities. Sheesh. And Friday I'm going to Kansas City with the Art in the City kids. That should be fun. But that also means I'll probably go partying that night. So Saturday and Sunday I'm gonna have to buckle down and get shit done. I am not that happy. But really, I did a shit tone of work over the summer, I should be pretty good. I want to add some Susan Bordo though. And maybe some biology. Urgh. But on the plus side, I have a pretty good group of people that signed up for mine. So I should be pretty ok. Or at least I hope. I don't know.

Plus, I have to write all my newspaper pieces. But I think I'll get the first two done super easy. I am so pumped about this issue. I am writing some really awesome pieces. I get to come up with the top ten scary movies to watch in Halloween season, and I am writing a piece on being against the idea that Halloween is an excuse for girls to dress sexy. And then I'm doing some editorial about a guy that won the Nobel Peace Prize in China and he has been locked up and the media has totally repressed it. Crazy! I'm stoked.

I'm also going to get my third tattoo soon. I am so freaking pumped. So pumped. It's gonna be awesome!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Officially Triple-Majoring

So a few days ago I finally signed up for my third major. I was working on the above magazine spread and I realized that I'm pretty good at Vis Comm. So I decided I had to do it. And now I'm triple majoring. I'm so excited. I think it will be good.

Besides that, this weekend is Fall Break, which means I have no class on Monday and Tuesday! Thank goodness! I have a lot of work to do. And I have quite a bit of weed to smoke. Haha. But really though, I have to fix and perfect my presentation, I have to fix my story, and I have to write another paper. And of course there are other things I have to do too. Yeesh. I'm excited though. It's going to be awesome.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feeling great!

Ok, so I have been busting my balls over this 10-15 page story that I've had to write for Creative Writing. I've been working on it steady since saturday. And It's been freaking me out because I hate writing things that don't represent how my brain is working. So I've been really working hard, working and reworking it. And I've been nervous because I knew it was going to be critiqued by BWhite and the whole class. So all day I've been freaking out, nervous stomach aches, clammy hands, the works. I finally get to class, and of course, I get to go last. By the time it was my turn, my hands were ice cold, but so clammy, and I was shaking.
So they begin talking about it. Not much is being said. And most of it is good stuff. I was so freaking confused. I was sure that I would get so many comments about how to make it better. But really, I got a few things to work on, but mostly I got a lot of really good comments! I feel so freaking good! After class, Bwhite was giving out his copies of the stories with his notes on them. So I go up, hoping there's something else to work on. So I say to him "You have notes? Can I have them?" And he goes, "Well you can have this, but there's nothing written on it." I'm like "What? Are you serious?" And he said "Yea, I already told you what I thought, there isn't much else." I said "Really? Nothing?" Then he said he'd look over it some more if I wanted, and I said yes and asked him to have it by Monday. Haha. But really, it was awesome! I mean compared to every one else, my story was the best. Like I maybe got two comments on things to change. It feels really good. I am so happy and relieved about it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mmm New Life

Ok, I am making a conscious effort to not be a robot-human anymore. That means I'm going to try to look intimidatingly attractive boys in the eye, and not be super awkward. I'm also going to try and have conversations with people. This might be rough. It's especially rough because the one person I want to be a non-robot-human with doesn't show up to class. Harrumph. Watch, the one day that I'm not prepared to be a non-robot-human, he'll show up to class and I'll be all wonky.

Besides this goal, I have gotten back up on the exercise horse. Last week I was bad, but I'm back to normal and loving it. Hopefully by the time Christmas comes around I'll be down a size.

I'm trying to decide if I should drive home for Thanksgiving. I think I will just see how much homework I get.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I like people that are like really tough mathematic equations. Mathematic equations that take a lot of work to break down, equations that spring surprises at you. I feel like the people I will like for life will be mathematic equations that I can't solve.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh boyyy.

I spent the better part of my morning trying to scrub out the stench of vomit out of my bathroom. That was...umm...interesting. Last night after Airband, I hung out upstairs with my neighbors and other people. I got drunk really easily, and then I came back downstairs. I threw up like 4 times. All over myself and the bathroom. Mad gross. But it is finally clean! And it doesn't smell anymore. And now that I have that whole hangover experience done, I can just go back to not drinking as much. Tonight I'm having some people over. I'm kind of excited, but not really.

"Lives don't change, we simply become more comfortable with our core misery, which is a form of happiness" - Bored to Death

Friday, October 1, 2010