Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feeling great!

Ok, so I have been busting my balls over this 10-15 page story that I've had to write for Creative Writing. I've been working on it steady since saturday. And It's been freaking me out because I hate writing things that don't represent how my brain is working. So I've been really working hard, working and reworking it. And I've been nervous because I knew it was going to be critiqued by BWhite and the whole class. So all day I've been freaking out, nervous stomach aches, clammy hands, the works. I finally get to class, and of course, I get to go last. By the time it was my turn, my hands were ice cold, but so clammy, and I was shaking.
So they begin talking about it. Not much is being said. And most of it is good stuff. I was so freaking confused. I was sure that I would get so many comments about how to make it better. But really, I got a few things to work on, but mostly I got a lot of really good comments! I feel so freaking good! After class, Bwhite was giving out his copies of the stories with his notes on them. So I go up, hoping there's something else to work on. So I say to him "You have notes? Can I have them?" And he goes, "Well you can have this, but there's nothing written on it." I'm like "What? Are you serious?" And he said "Yea, I already told you what I thought, there isn't much else." I said "Really? Nothing?" Then he said he'd look over it some more if I wanted, and I said yes and asked him to have it by Monday. Haha. But really, it was awesome! I mean compared to every one else, my story was the best. Like I maybe got two comments on things to change. It feels really good. I am so happy and relieved about it.

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