Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 goals

In my other blog, I always right down my goals and then I evaluate them when the year is up. I'm still going to do that, but I'll probably copy them here. So 2011 will be the second half of my senior year and my first half of my second senior year at Graceland. It will also be awesome. So here are my goals:

1. Weight loss: Again. And this time I'm not going to give myself a specific pound number to reach. I am just going to say that I want to continue working on being fit and that hopefully in a year I will be closer to my goal. Over the summer I want to get a bike and exercise with that. Right now I am at size 16 pants. If I can get down to 12 or even 13 by the end of the year, I will be happy.

2. Social: I want to continue befriending people. Specifically guys. I need to start being more confident around guys. I hope that in Spring semester, I will get to know a lot of people more.

3. School: I want to write some really great stuff for school. I need to start really writing well to get into graduate school. I want to apply to graduate schools and rock the GRE's. I want to do really well in my Vis Comm classes and I want to learn something new and interesting in Filmmaking.

4. Writing/The Tower: I want to begin working at the writing center, not only to beef up my resume, but also to get better at writing. I also want to really make The Tower better. We're starting the new layout this semester, and I hope to grab more people's attention.

5. Art: I need to have a solid idea for my art show. I want to rock the shit out of it.

That's pretty much it. I just want to continue doing what I've been doing. I'm really excited for 2011.

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