Saturday, January 15, 2011


Ok, so last night, Cat told me that the deli might be foreclosed on. I mean it is a biggish 'might,' but it's still really freaking me out. Like I woke up for a pee break or whatever, but once I remembered, I just began freaking out and all I want to do is talk to mom. I don't know how this can be happening.

Really, I'm angry. I'm angry that a woman like my Mom gets punished for working her hardest, for playing by the book, by doing her best. I mean I know life is unfair, I've known it for a really long time. But it still bothers me when some one like my Mom, who is one of the hardest working people I think I'll ever know, gets the jagged edge of the stick time and time again.

Even more than I'm angry, I'm upset. I just want to be home to hug my mom and sit with her while all this stuff happens to her. I just want to be near her right now. I feel helpless. I wish I could know what to do about all of this, but I don't. I just hope that whatever happens, Mom is ok, and that she doesn't take it as a personal failure. Because she hasn't failed, she did everything she could, but the economy, and just the asshole-ness of life has screwed her over. I just hope she's ok.

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