So, I'm a native New Yorker. I've been living in this strange and different land for the past five months. Lamoni, Iowa. About 3 or so miles from the border of Missouri, population of around 2,450, compared to about 12,000 in my hometown of Stony Point. I've decided that since I am living alone for the first time in my life, I should write about it to remember. I'm terrified of forgetting things about my life. Kind of silly, but I think that ever since I read The Notebook, and saw how that woman couldn't remember her wonderful life, I've been really nervous about getting Alzheimer's and forgetting all the wonderful and mediocre and mundane things that happen to me. So thats my reason. I sincerely doubt many people will read this, but it's more for myself anyway.
I work at the Kum & Go. I had never seen one before we made the trip out here. They don't have Kum & Go's in New York. My little brother automatically started rapping about the name, and making obvious dirty references with it. It was awful and funny at the same time. Now I think those jokes are lame, because with every group of kids that come in, there is some sort of reference to the dirtiness of the name of the store. I also think its lame that the store has this sort of name, yet they force me to wear a white shirt and a tie. As if they want it to be a classy joint. Here's a message to the Kum & Go founders: If you wanted the store to be classy, you shouldn't have named it Kum & Go. You should have either spelt Kum correctly, or have gone all out and spell it like this: Cum. Alas, all of that is useless.
So today I worked the 3:30-10:30 shift. The worst shift. And I kind of read some one's mind. Well not totally, but kind of. This kind of stuff happens to me sometimes and I never know if it's just me, or if this happens to everyone. This guy bought Twizzler's, and he was eating them. And in my head I thought, "He's going to offer me some." And then I told myself I was silly and dismissed myself for being a doofus. And then literally like 5 seconds later, the guy goes, "Want one?" WHAT? Weird right? I never get how that happens. Like maybe I am just really good at reading people, and having foresight, or maybe I have some sort of super-human powers in which I can force my thoughts into some one else's brain. Kind of like Matt Parkman in Heroes. Haha, I sincerely doubt that.
The one great thing about the Kum & Go is that I can totally read when I'm bored. Today I finished Brave New World, which is a book about happiness, and a futuristic government that makes people happy all the time. I really really liked it. It kind of reminded me of how Nathaniel Hawthorne writes, honest and clear. Not idealistic. It made me realize my own views about the world. I've always had an issue about my idealistic thoughts, because I always think about how great the world could be, but there is always a kink in my ideas. For example, I think about how great it would be if there wasn't any conflict or sadness or pain. But then I remember that these awful things are what makes happiness and joy better. And what would happiness be without sadness? Wouldn't it just be a sort of lack-of-sadness, not happiness? And there goes my idealistic world. And reading this book about how life would have to be if people were happy all the time (in the authors opinion of course) made me realize, that even though happiness is good, it's only good in doses. However, I couldn't fully agree with Mr. Savage, who was supposed to be the guy I should agree with. He was a bit too old-school for me. All about God and Love and Chastity. Eh. Not so much. I've been having problems with this whole God thing recently, but I'll get into that another time. I think that is what my problem was with this book, I couldn't totally side with some one. But I think that's good. I think it shows that I really am questioning my own ideas and not blindly committing myself to other's beliefs. This is what I love about college, it really does open one's mind up to see other beliefs, yet be able to come up with their own ideas. That's one thing I love about life, and the human mind, we can have different ideas. But now I'm getting ooky and getting lame, so I will stop with that business.
Now I am moving on to The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Totally psyched. I have this book plus 8 more books to read in the next 10 days. Crazy. But I think I can do it if I really push myself. In the next ten days, school starts back up. For the first time, I am excited about school starting. I really do like it here, and I love the college. Most people don't seem to get why I came here all the way from New York, and heck, some times I don't know why either, but I am here, and I am glad I made this move.