Friday, January 29, 2010


Well it's finally friday, and this week has been pretty ok except for a few things. Our Dean of students, Tom Powell died yesterday, which was heartbreaking for many people at Graceland. I never got to meet him, but it was still very sad to see so many in pain. It was a very upsetting day.

But besides that, school is going great. I like all of my classes and I think I will do well in all of them. Now all I have to do is find some people I can talk to. Blah. This whole finding acquaintances thing sucks. But I'm gonna do it....I think?

I have work tonight, so I'll probably get a good bit of homework done tonight.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Second Day, second batch of classes

Ok so this morning started out really good. I woke up early, got my work out in and hardcore. Then shower, breakfast, all that good stuff. So then at 9:30 I had my Toni Morrison Class. I love it. I can't wait to really get into some discussions about her books. We do have to do presentations which I am not too fond of seeing as I am socially retarded and don't know anyone. But I'll get them done. Then I had like an hour and a half break, so I came home, ate lunch blah blah. Then I went to 20th Century English and American Lit. There seems to be a good few people in that class who are not English majors, so I think it will be different. I've already read 4 of the 5 books so it shouldn't be too bad. Then I had Cultural Studies which I was originally really nervous about. I mean it seems kind of tough and the readings are supposed to be difficult. But then when I got there and we got into class I realized that I think I will like this class. Plus there are a lot of people in there from previous classes. I think that even though it may be a challenging class, it will be worth it.

So on other news, I need to start talking to people. I mean I am basically mute in all my classes so far. I'm gonna try this talking-to-people thing tomorrow. Get over myself and my awkward ways and just talk. And maybe make some kids laugh? Who knows. I'm gonna try. Hopefully I succeed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Classes.

Ok, so first day of classes is basically over. I have to work in about an hour, but whatever. So I woke up at 7, which is early. Gross. Then I went to Artists and Materials! A few people from my Design class are in there. Pretty chill. It seems like it will be a dangerous and interesting class, and I'm psyched. Julia Franklin, the professor, let us go super early. So then I came home and took a nap for an hour because I'm lame. And then at like 12, I headed out to my Intro to Mass Media class. Jerry DeNuccio is the prof, and he's a cool dude. I think that that class will be really interesting. I am actually really excited about it. And then at 1, I had English Lit 1800-1919, and there are a good few people from my English Lit to 1800 class in there. Oh and Barb Mesle is teaching that, so that will be fun. So I feel like that will be good times as well. I think this will be a good semester. EXCITED!

So yucko to work. I do not want to go. GROSS!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A funny story.

So I forgot to write about this. On Friday night there were some hooligans in the men's bathroom. They were messing around in there. And there were some men waiting around outside of the bathroom because they didn't want to mess around in there when the hooligans were in there. So these men where talking about it, and this lady came out of the women's bathroom. And I like made a face, sort of like a I-am-amused-about-these-weird-things-happening face. And I directed it at her because she was there. And then she smiled, and then she looked at me and said, "Why did you look at me like that?" And I got so shocked. No one has ever asked me that before. So then I tried to explain the situation, and I did it badly. I said, "Oh there's just some drama in the bathroom." And she gets this nervous face, she says, "My son's in there!" Shit man! I had no clue what to say! She looked so nervous! So then I was like, "Uh eh, um it's not bad! He's totally fine. Like it's not serious. Don't worry!" It was bad. But now it's comical. And when her son came out, she says, "Are you alright?!?" Haha it was funny. But bad. Poor lady.


This is the void stamp I was writing about the other day. It's very nice right? And I found out that I am not the only person who thinks it's snazzy. Kate and I had a conversation about it haha. We both decided that we now wish for people to write checks so that we can use the stamp. Bahah

I finally finished that book And now I need to try and read Beloved. Yet my boredom has led me to HBO, and I'm watching Twilight. I told myself I would never watch it, but I guess I should give things a chance right? Its not that good though. Especially the parts where Bella is like talking in her head. Cheese factory, man. And how come Bella is super pale? Like she's not a vampire. It's definitely weird. And I'm sorry but Kristen Stewart? So not Bella. I am trying to give her a chance, but no. But maybe it's the director's fault, like if she was played a different way she may have been more like Bella. And Edward? Creeper! Like I mean imagine if you were a regular girl, which I guess I am, and some guy says to me, "I feel very protective of you" in that way on like the first kind-of-date, I would be skeeved out, no matter how good or bad looking he is. Plus, I mean regardless of how obvious it it, it would take me much longer to jump from He's human to He's a freaking Vampire. But it is a movie, so I will try and watch the rest of it without being too harsh.

Tomorrow school starts up. I am pretty excited. I need to get back into doing a gajillion things. Also, it will be good to actually talk to people again hahah. I really have to work on my pathetic social skills.

Ok, I am so sorry, but wow. Twilight just hit a new low. The "sparkling" wow. Ridiculous. It's too serious. And gosh Edward, you've been a vampire for years, get over it already. I feel like this could have been much better if it wasn't serious all the time! Like if they didn't have serious faces on all the freaking time. Then maybe this scene wouldn't be so freaking atrocious. This is soooo bad.

So yea, besides that, not much is happening. Work last night was ok. Got a good bit of reading done, and I found something super exciting on the ground. And the sun is shining today, so hopefully it dries up so I can wear my cool shoes tomorrow. Excited!

Friday, January 22, 2010

2 more days!

Sheesh. Only two days until school starts back up. I can't really decide whether I'm glad to start back again or if I just want to have a little more time. I think it's mostly glad to be going back. I'm excited about some of these classes this semester. And even though I know that I am definitely not going to finish all the books I set out to finish, at least I'll still be ahead of the game.

I really like the new VOID stamp at the Kum & Go. It's cool. I put it on my arm, but then the ink spread out on my skin, and now its blotchy. grr.

I'm not sure whether this blog should include all the boring and mundane details or if it should primarily be semi-interesting stuff, or a mixture of both. I will have to decide this.

I finished my second short story yesterday. It needs some editing and tweeking, but I think it will become a good story. I have a new idea for one, but I only really know the beginning, not the ending at all. Or the middle for that part. I think I have decided I really like the short story type of deal. I don't know if I could ever be committed enough to a story to make it a novel. I would love to, but I'm not sure if it will happen. And plus a lot of my stories end with some one hurting themselves or getting killed. It's a little obvious. One day I should try and write a story where the person doesn't die in the context of the story. But I really like my stories to have a finite ending. I like for people to know exactly how the main character ended, or at least have a really good idea. I think the real issue is that by the end of my stories the characters are broken. And they don't fix themselves up. But I think thats an important thing to write about, how people don't fix themselves and end up in bad shape. It's a common theme. But then the issue is that if one day I end up being known for writing (fingers crossed) then people will expect everything to end badly, thus making my endings obvious. Hm. This was not necessary at all!

To reiterate my main point, I cannot believe winter break is almost over!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Carson McCullers

"We are homesick most for the places we have never known."
Carson McCullers

If there was ever an author I wanted to meet, Carson McCullers is the one. She is my inspiration

Tik Tok Parody: King Charles II style!

Ok, with my almost-three-years of college under my belt, and a bunch-load of knowledge up in my brain, there was nothing better I could do with my time. So, a while back, while bored in the Mac Lab and procrastinating real work, I decided to set upon a journey. A journey of making a great parody. This parody is all about how for some reason I see an uncanny resemblance between myself and King Charles II. I think it's the hair. So here goes:

Wake up every morning lookin' like King Charles,
Grab my crown, I'm out the door
I'm gonna rule this city.
Before I bounce,
imma pounce
on one of my ladies (i'm not gay this is King charles speaking).
Cause when I leave as King Charles,
Liz ain't coming back
I be puttin' on ma regal clothes, clothes
Drawin' a 'stache under ma nose, nose
Ma spot bein' blown up by hoes, hoes
Hair flowing, not worried about them VD's
Planning super parties
Trying to get an heir quickly

Don't stop, I'mma pop
Girl, turn my heat up
Rollin' in the hay
Til' we see a new day
Tick Tock on the clock
My reign will never stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh (Chorus X2)

Ain't got a care in the world, but got plenty of hair
Bunches of money in ma pocket, all I need is an heir
And all the chicks are lining up 'cause they hear I got money
But I kick 'em to the curb unless they taste like honey

I'm talking fourteen illegitimate kids, kids
Sleeping with my mistresses, es
But still stayin' married regardless

Only started ruling when I was thirty
Parliment ruled me back in, in
Parli ruled me in, in
Parli ruled me

Don't stop, I'mma pop
Girl, turn my heat up
Rollin' in the hay
Til' we see a new day
Tick Tock on the clock
My reign will never stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh (Chorus X2)

England, You built me up
Don't break me down
My heart, it pounds
For you England!

With my hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands up

Now the ruling don't start till I walk in

Don't stop, I'mma pop
Girl, turn my heat up
Rollin' in the hay
Til' we see a new day
Tick Tock on the clock
My reign will never stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh (Chorus X2)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I feel like I cannot remember a time before I went to work today. The seven hours I spent there were like a life time. That is exactly how boring it was. Not fun at all.

In other news, I just ordered new headphones last night because on of the ear buds was not emitting sound. So then this morning I wake up, head to the gym and realize that now the ear bud is working. Alack. This is life. But that shouldn't really be news, because it is boring. What is news is that I'm starting to have ideas for short stories and I am not prepared to write them yet. I hate that. I still have others to tweek and finish, but I need to be ready. And I need to finish my Tik Tok parody. I am definitely slacking. Well actually I'm really not. Slacking would be doing these things, because these are the things I do for fun. Instead I'm being a responsible student and reading for my classes. However I think I have decided that it is impossible to finish all of the books before Monday. I probably could have, but I hit a rock. Invisible Man has killed me. 581 pages and I am not able to read it. It's like sucking the life out of me. And because of this, I didn't read at all yesterday. Bad me.

I keep on getting this urge to read in my bathtub. Maybe if I do I will be able to finish this book? I'll try it tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I love driving.

Today I drove to Wal-Mart to buy some stuff. Fun. But that's not what I want to write about. I want to write about how I love driving. I do not drive a lot in Iowa. Since I live within about 5 minutes of basically everywhere I need to go on a daily basis. But when I make a monthly trip to Wal-Mart, I get to drive 25 minutes! It's nice. And I get to drive like 80 miles per hour and listen to my music REALLY loud. It's great. Even though it isn't good for the environment, sometimes I feel like I could just drive for hours. Especially in my car. It clears my head. And on the 35, it's like not crowded and flat. So I barely have to pay attention to my driving! Hah, kidding, I am a very observant driver (sometimes). But there is all this sky! Its so great. I love driving in Iowa.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I had a Dream!

Well...I am trying to get back into school-time routine. Like waking up early and all that business. So this morning I woke up at like 7:52 am, which is super early compared to the 11:30 business that has been happening. I have a firm belief that it is all due to the fact that there are no windows in my bedroom. So then I went to the gym and burned 1000 calories! Yey! And I've been reading and tooling around since then. I also made a firm decision to use my magenta backpack this semester. Funsies! Haha lame. But yea. So I labeled all my books for classes even though I really don't take notes these days, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

This book reading has been hogging my freaking life. Like I wanted to work on some of my short stories, but I haven't had any time. All I do is read and procrastinate about my reading by watching stupid TV. I'm really into the writing mood, but I need to finish these books! Its ridic. And it kind of sucks because I love reading, but I'm speed reading. I can't truly cherish the book. It's weird. But it's ok, because if I get all these books done, I will have set a new awesome record! Like 13 books in 3 weeks! Insane!

Oh man! Mom deleted all my phone messages! Today I left five messages on the answering machine at home telling a story. And she just deleted them without listening to me! Rude! I wanted everyone to listen to the messages together to pretend like I was home. I cannot believe this! It was such a good dream too! And I wanted them to hear it. Oh gosh.

So my dream! Now if anyone is reading this (which I doubt) and you don't know my deal with my dad, then too bad because I'm not going to get into detail right now. But my dream has to deal with it, and I really wanna write about it so I will. So my dream was that Cat, Bri and I were sitting in my high school auditorium , and I was sitting in between them, and my father was sitting in the seat in front of me. So for some reason we were going around and everyone was saying what college they were going to. So it came up to us and suddenly my dad was standing in our aisle, and I was totally confused. And then so I tried to lighten the creeptastic mood going on by patting Bri's head and saying "Oh Bri is our special little girl, she isn't going anywhere." It's good to know I'm a funny asshole even in my dreams. Hah, but then Bri was all like "I'm going to blah blah school." And I was like I go to Graceland, and the I look over to Cat. And Dad is like all in her business and he is like glaring into her eyes, and its scary. Seriously, like a centimeter from her face. Like he's using scare tactics to get her to say something. And so she kind of whispers something, and he was all like "Yes." And then he started spouting off about trust and lecturing her. And this really pisses me off. So then I go after him and I step on my tippy-toes and I must have like grown a few inches too because some how I was cowering over him! And then I got this feeling like I was going to throw up, but vomit did not come out of my mouth. A big ol' FUCK YOU came out of my mouth! And then his face twitched. And of course then he started to lecture me, and so I said, "FUUUUUUCKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I drew it out and then he shut up. And then it seemed like there was an invisible lasso around him and he was being pulled out of my consciousness. And then as he was being pulled, I shouted, "Yea, go back to your couch you lonely selfish son of a bitch!" It was LEGENDARY! I mean never before in my dreams have I even been that ballsy. And even if I had been, he wouldn't be quiet enough to listen. And I am 100% serious when I say, I woke up smiling! It was probably the greatest therapy, dream-style! I think it has to do with the fact that I am not under his thumb anymore, and I can say or do what I like and he has nothing to hold over me! It was just amazing. I loved it.

And Mom and I just realized that "I Had A Dream." Haha just like "I Have a Dream" and its Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Isn't that just amazing? I love it too freaking much!

Ok, back to reading!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whew, that was boring..

I had high hopes for tonight. It was a saturday night at the Kum & Go, and it sucked. Usually saturday nights are where I get loads of freaky and crazy funny people in that are super inebriated. But not so much tonight. I got two older guys and they were kinda creepy and a little funny, but mostly creepy. One was definitely from New Zealand. Interesting...not really. And they called me Lizzie, which is only really charming and fun when it comes from not-two-old-guys. Oh, and I got to finish half of my book, but that again screams "boring night" (even though it is a really good book).

I really need to laugh. Really bad. And not like chuckle, or even a full laugh, I need that side splitting oh-my-god-my-stomach-hurts laughter. I don't know where to go for that. Probably back to New York, but I don't know if that kind of laughter is worth $300.

I am too awake to go to sleep, and I don't really have much to write about. Except for the fact that I have decided that my wrists are my favorite part of my body. And I think that when I lose some more weight, probably my collar bone will be a favorite too. And my hair isn't that bad, even though it tends to poof and misbehave. I know that that is weird and random, but this is what happens when I have loads of time on my hands hah.

Friday, January 15, 2010

So seriously,

Nothing of interest happened today. Except I wore my hair in a braid, and it reminded me of how Bri always calls me Pocha (short for Pochahontas) when I wear my hair in a braid. It's silly because the braid is probably the only thing Pochahontas and I have in common, except for the fact that we both talk to Mother Trees, are in love with John Smith, paint with the colors of the wind, and have talking Raccoon friends. Haha just kidding, I fucking hate raccoons. But all that other stuff is totally true. Bahah.

So yea, basically I got up at 10:30, went to the gym, hung around for a while, and then went to work at 4:30-10:30. Working at the Kum and Go sucks during winter session, there aren't nearly enough drunk and high college kids around to entertain me.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

OH thoughts...

Well today I basically did what I do every day that I don't work. I woke up at like 9:45ish and went to the gym, working on ma fitness, ya know. Haha, burnt 1000 calories what what. And then I came home and read and internet surfed for the rest of the day. Wow, is my life exciting or what? Totally exciting. But I don't mind, I got to finish The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, which will segue into the thoughts I have been having today. By the way, I am very glad that I just worked "segue" into a sentence!

So now, onto the thoughts. The other day I watched He's Just Not That Into You. It was my second time watching it, yet I still felt the same sentiments that I originally felt. I was stunned by how obvious some of these things were. The character Justin Long plays is one in which he's a guy who knows how men are and knows how women are and has no problem telling the character played by Ginnifer Goodwin what men really think. So basically he tells her numerous times, that some guy is just not into her. So basically this guy tells her obvious things like, "If he isn't calling you, then he doesn't like you." Or something else like that. Something that should be obvious to everyone. And throughout the movie, the cute and likable Ginnifer Goodwin is fawning after guys that she doesn't even really like, and she is over-analyzing everything. Basically the stereotypical silly female. And it's kind of about how women are disillusioned about men since they are young. And I remember when I first watched it, I was sitting next to my sister, and I was shocked. I said, "Is this serious? Are women really like this?" She seemed offended, and said, "Yes! They are!" I am still confused. I mean I don't think I am like that, but yet again, I don't really ever have any hope with this business. For instance unlike Ginnifer Goodwin, who gives any guy who asks her number, and waits around all week for their call, I usually refuse people my number, or give them my number without the area code (which I regret because that guy does seem nice, and one day he came into the Kum & Go with no shirt on under his jacket, and let's just say yum). So to say the least, I don't get my hopes up. So maybe the reason that these women are like this is because they do get their hopes up. But I still think it's extremely depressing. That women are conditioned like they were in this movie. It actually reminded me of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Like how Mustapha Mond says, "One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them." In the movie, they show a flash back of Ginnifer Goodwin when she was younger and a boy pushes her. She goes to a teacher and the teacher tells her that the boy is mean to her because he likes her. I know I've heard that many a times in my youth, yet it thankfully did not stick. However, imagine if it did stick? Imagine how people might act if it did stick. The idea that if men are mean to women, that means they like them. No wonder women love bad boys. Let's talk about domestic violence, huh? The shit that is force-fed down little girls throats is atrocious. I mean believe me, I know what its like to have a sexist father, I know what its like to feel like its worthless just because you are a woman. Thankfully I have been able to teach myself out of that way of thinking, but it's still going on for other women, and they don't have the strength to break that sort of thought. That's what I find sad. And that is what I saw in this movie. Women thinking the way society tells them to think. It is sad. Just like how Pecola in The Bluest Eye was conditioned into thinking that pretty meant having blue eyes.

However, it's even bigger than just women. Technically we are all conditioned to live a certain way, including men. I mean why can't a woman ask a man out? Why can't a man be the "weaker one"? Because society dictates life that way. It really is quite silly. I mean just like people so-and-so many years ago were conditioned to think that gay people were an abomination, and that it was a sickness. Or before that, conditioned to think that divorce was an atrocity. And before that, that beating children was totally cool. I can't decide whether or not the fact that society dictates norm is good or bad. I mean technically since the social norms are getting better, that would mean that society as a whole is progressing, therefore it would be good. And I mean if society didn't control the norms, then how would things go? I think it is one of those things that cannot be changed. It is a cause and effect sort of thing, and it cannot ever be a different way. It is a part of life. I don't really think its bad, just as long as society continues to progress in a good way. But knowing our system, it could easily start to go to a place that will cause the degradation of the people. Thats another thing that reminds me of Brave New World, like in that futuristic world it was a social norm to be sexually free at a very young age, and to use and manufacture humans just as they would computers. That's what I don't like about this idea. Because even in this book, the people who revolt against the norm get sent to an island, and can't make trouble.

Alas, this must be the natural progression of things. Things will get better, and then they will get worse, and then they will get better, and so forth. It's nice to know that much.

Ok, didn't think I'd be posting again this soon, but...

I'm watching The Biggest Loser, and even though I feel great for these people, I would like to know one thing: HOW THE HECK DO YOU LOSE 100 POUNDS IN TWO MONTHS?!?! I would really really like to know. Stop making me feel bad about my 10 pounds a month Mr. Guy. You're rude. Not really. I mean kudos to you, but gosh. Shit, If I lost 100 pounds in two months, I would be the happiest girl. But I will not complain about my slow-but-steady 10 or so pounds a month, because lets face it, it's all I've got. But seeing that guy lose 100 pounds in two months, and that chick lose 23 pounds in a week! Shit, man. That just makes me feel bad. The Biggest Loser is one of those shows that can make you get off your bottom and work, but it can also just make people feel atrocious about themselves. Plus, it's two freaking hours long. Come on now NBC, is that really necessary? I'm a college student, I don't have time to sit and watch people work out way harder that I have ever worked out for TWO HOURS! But I like to keep up with it, so I half watch it. I like leave it on and listen while I do other stuff, for example, write in my fancy new blog, or read a book. And those extremely cheesy promotions about Extra Sugar-free gum has literally stopped me from buying Extra Sugar-Free gum. For serious, I do not buy that gum because they are not working hard enough. I mean they should be getting me to want to buy the gum without me even noticing when it happens. Their sale tactics should be a little smoother. I mean they bring in Jillian (who lets just say is a very attractive female, coming from a straight female) and have her basically face the camera for like two minutes and talk about how great Extra gum is, or how great these plastic bags are. Come on, be a little more creative please. Wow, this has become a very different blog in a short while. But really though, how can you justify some one getting paid big money for advertising when they do it so badly? I don't think it should be justifiable.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Blog, Not my first day...

So, I'm a native New Yorker. I've been living in this strange and different land for the past five months. Lamoni, Iowa. About 3 or so miles from the border of Missouri, population of around 2,450, compared to about 12,000 in my hometown of Stony Point. I've decided that since I am living alone for the first time in my life, I should write about it to remember. I'm terrified of forgetting things about my life. Kind of silly, but I think that ever since I read The Notebook, and saw how that woman couldn't remember her wonderful life, I've been really nervous about getting Alzheimer's and forgetting all the wonderful and mediocre and mundane things that happen to me. So thats my reason. I sincerely doubt many people will read this, but it's more for myself anyway.

I work at the Kum & Go. I had never seen one before we made the trip out here. They don't have Kum & Go's in New York. My little brother automatically started rapping about the name, and making obvious dirty references with it. It was awful and funny at the same time. Now I think those jokes are lame, because with every group of kids that come in, there is some sort of reference to the dirtiness of the name of the store. I also think its lame that the store has this sort of name, yet they force me to wear a white shirt and a tie. As if they want it to be a classy joint. Here's a message to the Kum & Go founders: If you wanted the store to be classy, you shouldn't have named it Kum & Go. You should have either spelt Kum correctly, or have gone all out and spell it like this: Cum. Alas, all of that is useless.

So today I worked the 3:30-10:30 shift. The worst shift. And I kind of read some one's mind. Well not totally, but kind of. This kind of stuff happens to me sometimes and I never know if it's just me, or if this happens to everyone. This guy bought Twizzler's, and he was eating them. And in my head I thought, "He's going to offer me some." And then I told myself I was silly and dismissed myself for being a doofus. And then literally like 5 seconds later, the guy goes, "Want one?" WHAT? Weird right? I never get how that happens. Like maybe I am just really good at reading people, and having foresight, or maybe I have some sort of super-human powers in which I can force my thoughts into some one else's brain. Kind of like Matt Parkman in Heroes. Haha, I sincerely doubt that.

The one great thing about the Kum & Go is that I can totally read when I'm bored. Today I finished Brave New World, which is a book about happiness, and a futuristic government that makes people happy all the time. I really really liked it. It kind of reminded me of how Nathaniel Hawthorne writes, honest and clear. Not idealistic. It made me realize my own views about the world. I've always had an issue about my idealistic thoughts, because I always think about how great the world could be, but there is always a kink in my ideas. For example, I think about how great it would be if there wasn't any conflict or sadness or pain. But then I remember that these awful things are what makes happiness and joy better. And what would happiness be without sadness? Wouldn't it just be a sort of lack-of-sadness, not happiness? And there goes my idealistic world. And reading this book about how life would have to be if people were happy all the time (in the authors opinion of course) made me realize, that even though happiness is good, it's only good in doses. However, I couldn't fully agree with Mr. Savage, who was supposed to be the guy I should agree with. He was a bit too old-school for me. All about God and Love and Chastity. Eh. Not so much. I've been having problems with this whole God thing recently, but I'll get into that another time. I think that is what my problem was with this book, I couldn't totally side with some one. But I think that's good. I think it shows that I really am questioning my own ideas and not blindly committing myself to other's beliefs. This is what I love about college, it really does open one's mind up to see other beliefs, yet be able to come up with their own ideas. That's one thing I love about life, and the human mind, we can have different ideas. But now I'm getting ooky and getting lame, so I will stop with that business.

Now I am moving on to The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Totally psyched. I have this book plus 8 more books to read in the next 10 days. Crazy. But I think I can do it if I really push myself. In the next ten days, school starts back up. For the first time, I am excited about school starting. I really do like it here, and I love the college. Most people don't seem to get why I came here all the way from New York, and heck, some times I don't know why either, but I am here, and I am glad I made this move.