Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whew, that was boring..

I had high hopes for tonight. It was a saturday night at the Kum & Go, and it sucked. Usually saturday nights are where I get loads of freaky and crazy funny people in that are super inebriated. But not so much tonight. I got two older guys and they were kinda creepy and a little funny, but mostly creepy. One was definitely from New Zealand. Interesting...not really. And they called me Lizzie, which is only really charming and fun when it comes from not-two-old-guys. Oh, and I got to finish half of my book, but that again screams "boring night" (even though it is a really good book).

I really need to laugh. Really bad. And not like chuckle, or even a full laugh, I need that side splitting oh-my-god-my-stomach-hurts laughter. I don't know where to go for that. Probably back to New York, but I don't know if that kind of laughter is worth $300.

I am too awake to go to sleep, and I don't really have much to write about. Except for the fact that I have decided that my wrists are my favorite part of my body. And I think that when I lose some more weight, probably my collar bone will be a favorite too. And my hair isn't that bad, even though it tends to poof and misbehave. I know that that is weird and random, but this is what happens when I have loads of time on my hands hah.

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