Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So frustrated.

I am still not sure about this decision. Like I'm definitely going to do the student worker thing. But what I can't decide is the whole quitting-the-Kum-&-Go thing. Like half of me really wants to do it. I mean this week has been really tiring and I only have had 3 shifts and two days of class. I mean I doubt the weeks where I am away for the weekends will be easy. And I mean there are a lot of papers I have to write this semester.

But then there is the part of me that is a ridiculous work-aholic. Like I don't want to make things easy for myself. I know I could do it all, and that's the problem. I am having trouble cutting ties fully at the Kum&Go.

As Cat said, "And I understand your thinking because we're irish catholic with a workaholic father who only believed in making EVERYTHING hard." And it's so much a part of me. Like I'm so used to making things difficult for myself. But you know what, I don't want to be my father. I don't want to work my life away. I have to do this. I need to break this shit off.

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