Thursday, September 30, 2010

Whew, Tower #2 out!

This week has been freaking crazy! It's Homecoming week and I've been trying to be as involved as possible. Haha, it's been fun. But it has also been really tiring so far. Like every night I've went to bed early. And earlier in the week I was sick so I couldn't even go to the gym. It was bad. But now I'm better and I'm getting back on track.

On Sunday I was up late hanging out with Melissa and Angie, and that was so much fun. Then Monday I stayed up late doing Tower stuff and homework. On Tuesday night I stayed up late watching dodgeball. Yesterday I stayed up late doing Tower stuff again and homework as well. And I don't know about tonight.

Today I drove to Creston again to pick up the papers. Then I went out to dinner with the Shalom girls for Melissa's birthday. It was so much fun! I think I'm going to change my house and be in Shalom. I love those kids!

Also today we had a sort of competition in Creative Writing about our first sentences. And I came in third! I was really happy about it. I just need to have more time to come up with better stuff. We have to write a ten page draft this weekend. It's gonna be roughhh. I don't really know what I'm going to write yet. I mean the sentence the class liked wasn't one of my favorites, but I might use it. I don't know yet. Hopefully I can get some ideas soon.

Besides that, not much has been going on. I am hoping to go to some parties this weekend, which will be awesome. Plus there is Airband and Homecoming game too! Crazy weeeeek.

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