Saturday, September 11, 2010

11 Days left

I have about 11 days left at the Kum&Go. And honestly, I wish it was less. I am so ready to start all these new things, but I can't until I'm done there. It's just stressing me out. I want to be done now, but I still have all these shifts to go.
I mean I have all these other awesome things to do. Like work for BWhite, which has been fun so far. And Melissa just asked me to be Assistant Editor of the paper, which is super awesome. Plus, I want to hang with my friends. And I will when I am done at the Kum&Go. I am just so excited to be out of there.
Tomorrow night is my last overnight, and I can't wait for it to be over. I have work today, and it's going to blow, but I'll deal. Only 11 days. 11 days. ugh

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