Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 33

Day 33- The 5 song you would have with you on a deserted island and why

  1. "Big Jet Plane" - Agnus and Julia Stone: I'd pick this song because I love it and it makes me feel really calm. Like I feel like if I have this song, I will be able to relax and figure out how to survive
  2. "Pursuit of Happiness" - Kid Cudi: This song would pump me up. It would motivate me.
  3. "Teeth" - Lady Gaga: Really, any song off of the Fame Monster would do, just as long as it's not Alejandro
  4. "Ok I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't" - Brand New: I'd choose this song because it always reminds me of my family for some reason. It reminds me of times when I would sit in the car with them and have this song playing from my headphones.
  5. "I Will Possess Your Heart" - Death Cab For Cutie: This song would probably make me sad, but I need something from Death Cab, and I really love this song
So that's my list. I'd probably change it about a gajillion times, but I think that that's close to what it would be!

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