Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Ok, so I have like a million things to write about, but I don't know how much I'll get done because I have work at 4. So first I'll go through my classes for today

Advanced Comp Honors: B.White class. Chelsea Tobin is in it, so is Kia, Emily Rose, Micah, and loads of other cool kids. It's a lot about revision and fixing our work. I'm nervous and excited about this. I am not usually big on revision, but I hope this class will get me more into it. We have like 4 papers to write. The final one is going to be like 10 pages. I'm thinking about writing about the Socialization of Youth into Gender Roles. Seems exciting!

Art History I: Julia Franklin class! I love Julia Franklin. She's a cool customer. I was originally not too excited because I didn't think I would know anyone in this class, but I was SO wrong! Ali Thomas is in my class, so is Sarah, and loads of other people. I feel like it's going to be super fun! Plus, J.Franklin gave us all crayons! So cool.

Creative Writing Fiction: Another B.White class. Cori, Corienne, Sarah, and so many more are in this class. I am nervous, because this class is going to be intense. But I'm also really stoked, because I can already tell that I am going to benefit from this class SO much.

So those were my classes. I'm pretty excited about all of them. I think it will be an awesome semester. But now, I have decisions to make.

Ok, so after my first B.White class, B asked me to wait after class so he could ask me a question. I assumed it would be about the Tower. So I hung around, blah blah. So then he asks me if I want to be his work study! What! Like I am still shocked. I mean, I'm flattered that I was thought of, and to be honest there is no way I'm going to say no, but I do have thinking to do. He says it will only be about 3-5 hours a week, which isn't bad. But if I'm thinking about the weeks where I'm going away for Art in the City, I'm thinking it will be rough. Plus, I mean I HAVE promised myself a social life this semester. So I was thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it. And I realize, there is no way this thing is taking me from my social life, something else is taking me from my social life. That thing is the Kum & Go. I mean honestly, today if I wasn't working, I would be out to lunch with Ali right now, and probably going to the Volleyball game later for Chelsea. But, instead, I am going to work. I don't know. I mean really I know I shouldn't quit, but I really want to. Like I'm in college. I'm sick of passing up awesome friend-time to go to a shitty job. And plus, if I were to leave, I have an awesome reason, I'm going to be B.White's work study! I don't know. I think I'm going to work it out in my brain while I'm at work today and try and make my decision.

I mean, I move 19 hours away from home to come to school here. I left everything I knew to have the college experience. I deserve this right?

Back to school!

Today I go back to school! I am so excited!!!!

Day 45

Day 45- A moment, song, or phrase that has changed your life the most

Ok, so it isn't a song or a phrase, kind of a moment, but not really. It's a movie. So, I was knee deep in my depression...more like neck deep haha...and one evening I sat down to watch this movie. And this movie just made me realize something. It made me realize that we all go through crap, obviously some have it worse than others. And that the crap we go through shouldn't stop us from living our lives. I mean in the movie, this man goes through the Holocaust, he is basically skin and bones, but he pushes for his right to live his life, he survives. It is utterly amazing. And truly, it gave me inspiration. Watching this movie was the turning point in my life where I decided I wasn't going to sit idly by and let my depression take over my life. I know it might sound silly to others, but this movie really did change me. And it probably didn't exactly help my infatuation with the Jewish culture. I mean all the Jewish people were able to conquer such hate (I mean obviously too many died, but I mean the ones that did survive). Like I don't meet many Jewish people who hate every single German person. I don't see as much hatred and resentment from Jewish people. And I think that's also a big part of it. People will wrong you, but you just have to move on and live your life. That's what this movie made me realize, and it really did help me turn myself around.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 44

Day 44- Best Mash Up you've ever heard

Hmm, well when I heard this one on Glee, I was like sheeeeeyat!

But then before I even saw Des's I was thinking about this one too

But I like the Glee one better I think. So niceee

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 43

Day 43- A memory that never fails to make you laugh

Hmmm. I don't know if I have a memory like that. I'm trying to think....Bahah the only one I can think of right now is kind of silly. Ok, so the one I can think of is when the kids in my english class in 11th grade decided to play a prank on my craptastic teacher. I really truly disliked this guy, and he was an awful teacher. So this one kid goes up to get the teacher to sign his hall pass. And he gave the teacher the pen and when the teacher pressed down the clicker thing, it shocked him. He jumped and made such a hilarious sound. Like honestly, there is no possible way to tell the story and make it as funny as the vision I have in my head. It always makes me smile haha.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 42

Day 42- Your favorite musical artist's life story

Sheeeeyat I don't know! I don't even know who I would consider my favorite musical artist! So I'm going to come up with a different thingy!

Day 42- Something you're obsessed with right now!

LOST! I have been watching this show like crazy! I mean intense shit! I only have two episodes left and I'm so sad! I don't want it to end!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 41

Day 41- Favorite picture of yourself ever taken

I don't think this is my favorite ever, but it is one of my most recent most liked pictures. Eh I don't know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This time last year, things were so different

So true. I mean this time last year, I was 300 pound. I was size 22/24 pants, and I had no friends in Iowa. I was all alone out here, and I was homesick. Now, I'm at least 40 pounds lighter, I am size 16/18 pants, and I am so excited to go back to school. I have my shit on lock, and looking at the big picture, I'm proud and happy with myself.

Day 40

Day 40- A dream you've had in the past week in detail

Hah ok. Some time in the last week I had a dream that I was back in New York. And Cat got with this guy who used to be her english teacher, but he was also like this guy she had a crush on that worked at CompUSA. He was like a mixture of two people, and she had this huge crush on him before she got with him, but he was much older than her. So finally she gets with him, and the whole family didn't like this, because we thought he was like taking advantage of her. So anyways, one night he "sleeps" over. In the morning he opens a champagne bottle and pours himself a glass. Previous to this morning, Cat had told me that she used to always daydream in his class that they would drink champagne together. So I'm sitting at the kitchen table, and Cat reaches for the champagne, I guess to fulfill her daydreams. So then I block her from the champagne and I look at her man and I say "If your relationship with my sister was a baby mouse, I would STOMP on it." And I did the stomping motion. And Bri, Mono and I all start laughing like fucking crazy people. And Cat and her man look really shocked. Then I woke up. It was so weird.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I might throw up if I see another picture picnik'd. It's like really awful. Or if I see another picture with awful photoshopping. It's just bad news bears.

Day 39

Day 39- 5 things you'd like to see changed

Oooh, I like this one!

  1. I would like to see gay marriage legalized in every state in America. It's Two-Thousand fucking Ten people! How is this still an issue?
  2. Legalization of Marijuana. It's less addictive and harmful than cigarettes and alcohol. Plus, the government could make money off of it, and have less people in jail for drug crimes. I mean for me, it seems like a winner all around. Plus, if America produces it, it can create jobs for loads of Americans, not only in growing, but also in manufacturing and sales. I mean bakery foods infuced with THC. It seems obvious.
  3. Universal healthcare. Canada has it, England has it, France has it. So forth. So what if it makes America a little more socialist, it will be better in general. Doctors will have more regulated pay and work time. And people like me won't have to worry about being cut from health insurance
  4. End Genocide. I seriously don't get why this is still an issue. There are powerful nations in the world that with a flick of their metaphorical hand could end these issues. I mean it's just ridiculous.
  5. A news system that isn't based on consumerism. I'm tired of getting news about celebrities before I hear about international affairs. There could be both, but I want to have the option of seeing and hearing real news without having to search for twenty minutes or more

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book #10 Normal People Don't Live Like This

"She had a recurring fantasy of being struck by a bus. The bus would knock her into a coma for many days. All she'd have to do was breathe."

So this book was interesting. It had a lot of things I liked. I mean a lot of the ways I think and feel were portrayed in this book. Like the beauty in ugliness. Also some of the social anxiety. There isn't really much to say about it. It was intense, and I think when I reread it, I'll find a lot more.

Day 38

Day 38- Some one you think would make a good president

Hmm...I don't think of anyone I know of that would be a better president than we have already. I was so psyched that the first time I got to vote was when a candidate I felt strongly about was running. Ron Paul wouldn't be too bad either since he isn't against marijuana. But besides that, I don't really know. I'm happy with how it is now, so I'm not really worried.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hmm, days like today...

On days like today, I'm really really glad that I don't live at home anymore. There is all this drama, and I don't even get it. I've been hearing about it, and it all just seems so silly and trivial. And I don't know what to do about it. And I don't know how bothered I really am by it. Like don't get me wrong, I don't want my family to be fighting, but at this point, I know I can't fix these things, and they are going to get into more issues. I mean obviously things have changed, and I have changed, but I don't get any of this. And like both sides want my opinion, and I just give it. But what does annoy me is that Bri goes and says that I said Cat was a bitch, which I didn't say. I don't like people putting words in my mouth. I'm going to have to say something to her about that. It's just so stupid.


Day 37

Day 37- Favorite cover of your favorite song

Uhhhhh....a lot of the songs I like don't have covers. Hmm, maybe I'll think of covers I like? I like Goodnight Nurse's Milkshake. It's really funny, and it's kind of screamy.

But then I also LOVE The Postal Service's version of Such Great Heights. It's actually probably my favorite cover of all time.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The thing about me is...

This is my future

Day 36

Day 36- Earliest thing you can remember

Eeek. I don't remember that much from childhood...And what I do remember has like no order whatsoever. But what I'm imagining to be my earliest memory is being back in our Kitchen in Garnerville. My mom was making me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I was holding onto one of those gate things that keep kids out of dangerous areas. So she was in the kitchen and I guess I was in the play room. And then she gave me my sandwich and she said "Now what do we say?" and I replied, "Thank you mommy."

It it that, or just being in my bed in Garnerville looking at the picture of a girl at a beach that hung in our room.

Is there something wrong with me that I can't remember that much from childhood?

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Mamihlapinatapai (sometimes spelled mamihlapinatapei) is a word from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the “most succinct word”, and is considered one of the hardest words to translate. It describes “a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start.

Day 35

Day 35- A thank you letter to some one who has changed your life

Hmm I kind of already did this when I wrote a letter to my parents. But I do want to say thank you to some one, so I'll write that letter.

Dear ___:
Thank you for showing me what not to do in my life. Thank you for being so bad at what you do that you changed me for the better. Thanks for being my rule book of things not to do.


Friday, August 20, 2010

I wanna tell you a secret, you can take your double standard love and keep it

This is true for every single relationship in my life. I don't take love that isn't fair. So, when my dad cuts me off health insurance and treats me differently than he would expect me to treat him, I don't really give a shit. Why don't I give a shit? Because that man is not in my book of people to care about. His "love" (I hesitate to even call it that) has no meaning for me, because it isn't the type of "love" I want.

Maybe it's because I've become too proud. But I just can't take it upon myself to call him and ask him to do anything for me. I just can't beg anymore. I'm done asking things of him, because I know I have to pay dearly for everything I ask from him.

Day 34

Day 34- What you would imagine paradise to be like

Ok, this might seem silly, but ever since I saw the heaven scene in "What Dreams May Come," that's kind of how I pictured paradise. Swaying with the change of your mind. Nothing permanent, things could change with the will of your brain. But in my paradise, my life would be on a dvd, and I could re-watch parts I wanted, and there would be endless books, and there would be everyone I loved. But I wouldn't have to spend all my time with others. I could be by myself and just enjoy the beautiful and heartbreaking paradise that exists.

Oh my fucking God.

Justin Bieber is so much better this way

It sounds like heaven....and I feel gross saying that about Justin Bieber-anything, but this sounds so fucking cool.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 33

Day 33- The 5 song you would have with you on a deserted island and why

  1. "Big Jet Plane" - Agnus and Julia Stone: I'd pick this song because I love it and it makes me feel really calm. Like I feel like if I have this song, I will be able to relax and figure out how to survive
  2. "Pursuit of Happiness" - Kid Cudi: This song would pump me up. It would motivate me.
  3. "Teeth" - Lady Gaga: Really, any song off of the Fame Monster would do, just as long as it's not Alejandro
  4. "Ok I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't" - Brand New: I'd choose this song because it always reminds me of my family for some reason. It reminds me of times when I would sit in the car with them and have this song playing from my headphones.
  5. "I Will Possess Your Heart" - Death Cab For Cutie: This song would probably make me sad, but I need something from Death Cab, and I really love this song
So that's my list. I'd probably change it about a gajillion times, but I think that that's close to what it would be!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 32

Day 32- Something that Inspires you

A lot of things in nature inspires me. The beautiful things and the ugly things, and everything in between. On my morning walks I always feel so at peace, but also my mind is whirring with ideas and such. Little things about the world just spark my mind and I go crazy.

But another thing that inspires me is the culture we live in. Like the weird things that happen in society. And the misconceptions and stereotypes. They don't really inspire me in a good way, but they get me to thinking about ideas and projects I could do. The unfairness and injustices and problems make me think critically and that gives me project ideas.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 31

Day 31 - Guilty Pleasure

Well, Lady Gaga used to be my guilty pleasure, but I've since decided to be proud of my love for her. So now I'd say that Grey's Anatomy and any sort of chick show like that is my guilty pleasure. It's my guilty pleasure because I know it's not really a good show, and I know that it isn't doing any good for women. But I just can't help watching it! I need a little bit of drama not and then!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 30

Day 30- Who are you?

I am a cliche, I'm a contradiction, I'm unsure. I'm a regular ol' human being. I'm a hard worker, even though I don't really feel like I am. I am a geek and I love reading and watching movies. I'm a music enthusiast. I'm a humanist. I mean, how can I really explain myself? I am so many things, sometimes I don't know all of the things I am.

As the great Chuck Palahnuik says:

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Now, if only the rest of the country would catch on...

Book #9 Life of Pi

"It's important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse."

Wow. The end of this book has thrown me for a loop. So, Pi, gets shipwrecked and he gets stuck with a Bengal Tiger on his life boat. The whole book is about how he deals with this. It's amazing. But then at the end, when Pi is telling his story to some insurance types of guys, they say they don't believe him and that he needs to tell them the truth. He says fine I'll tell you a story you will believe even though it's not the truth. And so he tells a shorter story where the animals he is stuck with are actually people. Like, the zebra is a Japanese sailor, the hyena is the french cook, the orangutan is his mother and he is the Bengal tiger. And the way he tells it, it is exactly the same way things happen, just with the people in place of the animals. And now I don't know what to think. I mean the core of me really believes it was the people. That his way of dealing with it was to turn these people into animals. Plus, a few times in the book, he claims he acted animalistic. And maybe him seeing himself split off as the bengal tiger versus the human part of himself helps him cope with some of the things he had to do. But then another part of me is calling the core part of me a disbeliever and too logical. But truly, I really do think it was the people. And that makes it so much sadder. I'm not really sure how to deal with it. It just makes so much more sense with the people. And it would make sense for Pi to rationalize it that way. IT was a really good book. An amazing story. It is supposed to have religious importance but I didn't pay much attention to it. I liked this book a lot, and I feel like the next time I read it I will pick up on a lot more.

Day 29

Day 29- What have you learned in the last month

Hummmm. I guess in the last month I have learned quite a bit about communication. I mean I am taking a class about it. But I have also learned a lot about gender roles in American media, since I'm researching it for class. Besides those things, I'm not really sure what else I have learned. I mean I feel like I am consistently learning things about myself. Like yesterday I learned that I don't really know if I believe in god, and that I don't really mind that at all. I learn new things every day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Working hard for that money...

Even though some of the fun college kids are coming back, the Kum & Go has been annoying me a lot recently. I can't wait until school starts, because then I'll only have to be there 2-3 days a week. It will be awesome. Can't wait to be out of this monkey suit for good.

Day 28

Day 28- A picture of you recently and a picture of you a year ago, how are you different?

Ok, I'm actually really excited about this one! Ok, so the first one is the most recent body shot I have. The second one is about a year ago. I don't know if the difference is noticeable in these pictures, but there is a difference. I've lost a good deal of weight. In the first one, I'm wearing size 18 pants, and xl tops (even though now I kind of fit into large and size 16). The second one, the sweater is 3xl, and the pants are probably size 24. So that's a physical way that I have changed. But I've also become more confident, friendlier, and more involved in life. I'm just more me.

mc chris (again...)

Lit 101

I love this man!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 27

Day 27- Why are you doing this 60 day challenge

I'm doing this challenge because I kind of have time on my hands. Summer time is full of extra time to write cool new things that I wouldn't have thought to write about myself!

This was a boring prompt.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 26

Day 26 - What you think of your friends

Hmm, well now that I actually have friends (haha) I think they are super fun. There are a few of them that I believe will be those kinds of friends that I have time limits with. But a few of them are definitely keepers! It's amazing how different things are here. Like now, the people I meet, I feel like I fit with them. And I feel like they like me as well. I feel like my friends now are people I really get along with.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

mc chris

Have you ever met a girl
and you thought she was dope?
And you wanna buy her a popcorn
and a medium coke?
But when proximity's close,
you close up shop and you choke.
Time to write a thank you note to
dear old dad for the cloak.

She's really cute
and her hair's luminescent.
I fight the urge to smell her,
cuz you know she'd get to steppin'.
But, to just observe
from across the way.
If I was working EB Games
then you would not pay (full price).

I'm nice, and sweet
and I shower twice a week.
Kids diggin' on my speak
cuz I represent the geeks.
But, I'm really hella cool
and I had sex before.
So, don't fidget with your digits
ain't no textin' whore (Oh, that's not true).

I've falynn,
and I can't get up.
Girl, I love you.
Yeah, I got a crush.
I'm on mushrooms
and I lost my lunch.
and I don't think I can make it home alone.

I stare at my shoes
and I look away.
Cuz, I think you're kinda cute,
and I like your face.
One day we might embrace.
and I'll have to hide my boner
you don't wanna do it Dottie,
I'm a rebel and a loner.

I'm a rap superstar
with a mic in my hand.
But, I can't talk to girls,
unless that girl is a fan.
But, yo, I got a plan.
I love when it when it comes together.
We'll get married and have babies,
and we'll all wear matching sweaters.

Yes, I'd do her
if I knew her.
This is hard without computers.
She don't need another stalker
or intruder to pursue her
She don't need a guy like me
who's favorite movie's Starship Troopers
Why don't you kill me, baby?
It's because I am a loser.

I'm a winner, just beginning to
roll up my sleeves.
Roll up next to me
I can't breathe and I wheeze.
Hi, my name is mc.
What's your's? That's great!
Want you in the worst way.
This is so our first date.

I've falynn,
and I can't get up.
Girl, I love you.
Yeah, I got a crush.
I'm on mushrooms
and I lost my lunch.
and I don't think I can make it home alone.

Day 25

Day 25- What I would find in your bag

  1. Wallet
  2. Daily Planner
  3. My "Words are Great" notebook
  4. The Life of Pi (or some other book)
  5. Toothbrush
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Gum
  8. Coin Purse
  9. Textbook (sometimes)
  10. iPod
  11. Keys
  12. Lipgloss/Chapstick
I think that's it! Not too much stuff!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 24

Day 24- A letter to your parents.

Since my parents are divorce and since I wouldn't write just one letter to both of them, I'm going to split them up.

Dear Father,
I am going to try really hard not to start or end this letter with 'Fuck you.' But to be honest, all I can thank you for is your sperm, and doing such a shitty job at parenting that I learned how not to act. Yes, you did provide for us for a very large portion of our childhood, however, no matter when asked, I would have preferred being poorer and having a more attentive father any day. You have forever ruined father-daughter relationships for me, to the point where I feel nervous about letting my children have a father. And I hate that you have made me the cliche I am. I'm done having the same conversation with you when you don't listen, and I'm done trying to help you when you refuse to even consider it. I don't respect you, and no matter what you say, and no matter how old I grow to be, I will never accept your mode of parenting. I'm sorry that your childhood was less than ideal, and I know that in comparison to your parents, you were somewhat of an improvement, but with the countless chances you have been given, I find it hard to pity you anymore. I don't feel anger for you anymore. I feel pure nonchalance about your existence. You are nothing to me.


You are one of the most amazing women I've ever come across. I don't think I could ever respect any one more than I respect you. Regardless of what others think, you have done an amazing job at raising us. Taking on the role of both mother and father is impossible for most, but you did it flawlessly. I can't thank you enough for the lessons you have taught me and for the love you have given me. I have utmost faith in you and your ability to be a mother. You make me laugh, and you make me feel good about myself. I couldn't ask for more. I love you forever and unconditionally.


So, I sound super angst-y in the first one, but whatever, that is how I feel for him. Actually, in all truth I would probably just send him a letter saying "Thanks for nothing." But all the same, this is pretty much it!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lady Gaga...A feminist?

"You see if I was a guy and I was sitting here with a cigarette in my hand, grabbing my crotch, talking about how I make music because I love fast cars and fucking girls, you’d call me a rock star. But when I [sing about sex] in my music and videos, because I’m a female, because I make pop music, you are judgmental and you say that it is distracting. I’m just a rock star."

This is Lady Gaga. She used to claim that she wasn't a feminist. However, I think she was wrong then. Now she claims she is one (if I remember the most recent article in Rolling Stone correctly), and I think she has seen the light.

"But Lady GaGa is not a feminist. 'I think it's great to be a sexy, beautiful woman who can f--- her man after she makes him dinner,' she says. 'There's a stigma around feminism that's a little bit man-hating. And I don't promote hatred, ever. That's not to say that I don't appreciate women who feel that way. I've got a lot of gay women friends that are like, 'Put your clothes on.' People just have different views about it. I'm not wrong. I'm free. And if it's wrong to be free, then I don't want to be right. Things are changing. We've got a black president, people.'"

See now, back when she used to say these things, she saw feminism the way most people see feminism, as hating men. But that's not feminism. In all truth, the wants everyone to be free, including women. And isn't that feminism? Yes it is. Gaga, even if I am wrong and you still don't believe you're a feminist, you are one, and I thank you fo it.

Ok, I am editing this post, because I decided I want to write more. I just found this GEM of a quote. It brought shivers down my spine and tears to my eyes.

“I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we’re taught to view women. My work, both visually and musically, is a rejection of all those things. And most importantly a quest. It’s exciting because all of the avant-garde clothing, and musical style and lyrics that at one time was considered shocking or unacceptable are now trendy. Perhaps we can make women’s rights trendy. Strength, feminism, security, the wisdom of the woman. Let’ make that trendy.” -Lady Gaga

I legitimately love this woman. Because really, when did feminism mean never showing your body or sexuality? When did it mean being pure angelic virgins? When did it mean pushing down each of our individual wants, whether sexual or not? It should never mean this! Never should feminism slap some one down for expressing themselves the way they want to! Never should it give a person shit for expressing their sexuality. Yes, Lady Gaga wears revealing clothes! But and equal amount of time, she wears clothes that cover her whole body. Why do we forget this? Why do we forget that women can be everything? We can be sexy! We can be pure! We can be anything we want. What those snooty "feminists" should be focusing on is women out there who don't show any expression or personality. They should be focusing on the fact that women are still seen only for their body, whereas Gaga is telling people to look further! Men aren't ashamed of their anatomy, why should women be? What we should be saying is that women should be free, they shouldn't have to worry about how well they look, unless they WANT to. We should be telling young girls that their looks aren't the most important thing, and that they are allowed to express what ever they need to.

Stop oppressing women's sexuality, bodies, and minds. Why can't we have it all?

Big Jet Plane

Really good music makes me feel so fucking good inside.

Veronica Mars

I'm having this problem. It's called obsession. I am stuck watching Veronica Mars because I am ridiculous. I should totally be doing my presentation, but I'm stuck on this show because I like Veronica's spunky attitude and Logan's vulnerable asshole-y-ness. Which doesn't make sense at all, because I should realize by now that men like that are really just assholes. Alack, this show tempts me. I will probably finish the second season today.

Day 23

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot

Hmmm. Ok, so I'm going to be honest...I crave mary jane. A lot. I crave the taste in my mouth after smoking a bowl. I crave the clear head and no worries feeling. And I crave how freaking good berry colossal crunch tastes when high. Yummm.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 22

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

Hmm...I don't think anything makes me different from EVERYONE else. I feel like I probably have something in common with most people. I don't think there is one aspect of me that is 100% unique. Maybe if you mash up all the things I am as a whole, that would make me different. I don't think there is something I can nit-pick that makes me different. I mean in Iowa, I'm different from everyone else because I'm a New Yorker, but that isn't everyone! I just think that who I am as a whole person is different from everyone else. No one else has had all the experiences I've had and no one else has reacted to any of those experiences exactly the way I did. I think everyone is different, but only in the way all of the little things come together!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Crystal Castles

This song/album has been playing around with me for the past few days. The more I listen to it, the more I love it.


So, I've been working on my blunt rolling skills. This is my second attempt, and if I do say so myself, it looks pretty nice. There's nothing illegal in it though. Sadly. I need some connects.

Day 21

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

This always makes me laugh. Especially the part "They don't even fit" Baha. Seriously, there is something about this that just makes me happy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Demon Woman!

I think this is my favorite song from season 2. I love ittt

Day 20

Day 20 - Some one you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

YEESH! What a freaking question! How in god's name would I know that?!?! Like a specific person? Jeeze louise. Well maybe I could list some things I would like in a partner? Oh boy...
  • Funny
  • Not an idiot
  • More liberal than conservative
  • Doesn't take himself too seriously
  • Understands modern technology and ideas
  • Isn't afraid of being different
  • Can grow a beard
  • Looks like he can roll a killer blunt (if he actually CAN, it's a big plus)
  • Likes a nice evening in watching movies
  • Has neato ideas about stuff
  • Honest
  • Doesn't mind my big glasses and silly talk
  • Reads, doesn't have to be a super reader like me, but I would like if he picked up a book without being forced to every once in a while
  • Likes good music, and has good recommendations
  • Has a job haha
  • Understands my need for alone time
  • Makes me smile so much that my face muscles hurt
  • Understands me and my feelings without having to be told ALL the time
So I think that's most of it. Most of them are kind of little, but they are big in my book!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 19

Day 19- A nickname you have and why

Besides the obvious "Liz," there are a few nicknames I have.
1. Lizzy-Tish/Tish: I don't really know why this is a nickname, but its been around for a long time! Since I was young, but I don't think there was ever a real reason for it.
2. Pocha: Bri calls me this when I have a braid. It's kinda silly.

I think that's all. I'm not really a nickname person haha.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lady Gaga Concert

So, this concert was amazing. I have never felt so many tingles from a concert before. She was phenomenal. And when she was saying this, I was tearing up. Legit. I might post more later.

Day 18

Day 18- Plans/Dreams/ Goals you have

Umm. Well my plans and dreams and goals kind of mesh together. My first one is to lose more weight. And I plan to do so! A dream I have is to publish something eventually, and I am working on this by being an English major and trying to soak up any writing tips I can. I have a lot of dreams and goals, but these two are the only two I'm like super serious about at this point. Dunzoo

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 17

Day 17- Some on you would want to switch lives with for a day and why

Lady Gaga. Why? Because she is so amazing. We are seeing her perform tonight, and I am so excited. I think she seems like an amazing person, and I would like to be in her brain even if it was only for a little while. I am so excited for tonight!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 15

Day 15- Put your iPod on Shuffle, First 10 songs that play

1. The Way Things Are by Fiona Apple
2. My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura
3. Wasting Time by Four Year Strong
4. Rats by Say Anything
5. Space by M.I.A.
6. Into the Airwaves by Jack's Mannequin
7. White Diamonds by Friendly Fires
8. This Is Not A Test by She & Him
9. Roller Coaster by Blink 182
10. Don't Cry Out by Shiny Toy Guns

I will not lie, these were not the first ten exactly. I was trying to get a rounded out ten of the types of music I listen to. But that shit didn't work either. Not one rap song showed up! What the heck is with that?!?