Thursday, September 30, 2010

Whew, Tower #2 out!

This week has been freaking crazy! It's Homecoming week and I've been trying to be as involved as possible. Haha, it's been fun. But it has also been really tiring so far. Like every night I've went to bed early. And earlier in the week I was sick so I couldn't even go to the gym. It was bad. But now I'm better and I'm getting back on track.

On Sunday I was up late hanging out with Melissa and Angie, and that was so much fun. Then Monday I stayed up late doing Tower stuff and homework. On Tuesday night I stayed up late watching dodgeball. Yesterday I stayed up late doing Tower stuff again and homework as well. And I don't know about tonight.

Today I drove to Creston again to pick up the papers. Then I went out to dinner with the Shalom girls for Melissa's birthday. It was so much fun! I think I'm going to change my house and be in Shalom. I love those kids!

Also today we had a sort of competition in Creative Writing about our first sentences. And I came in third! I was really happy about it. I just need to have more time to come up with better stuff. We have to write a ten page draft this weekend. It's gonna be roughhh. I don't really know what I'm going to write yet. I mean the sentence the class liked wasn't one of my favorites, but I might use it. I don't know yet. Hopefully I can get some ideas soon.

Besides that, not much has been going on. I am hoping to go to some parties this weekend, which will be awesome. Plus there is Airband and Homecoming game too! Crazy weeeeek.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The First Tower Issue

Yesterday, Melissa, Angie and I drove to Creston to pick up the fist issue of the Tower. I felt so proud. Like it's the first time I ever wrote for a paper, and I got to do a kick ass editorial about Don't Ask Don't Tell. And Melissa says she thinks it was one of the best of the issue, which makes me super happy. I've decided that I am going to fight to be in charge next year. Like I already have most of the programming down, and I am not a terrible writer. I just feel so excited. Like I actually helped make something real. It's so awesome. I hope people actually begin to read it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 12

Day 12- I am quitting this challenge.

This challenge blows. I'm done with it. I'm just going to update and write whatever I want. I'm sooo done with this dumb challenge.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 11/Update

Day 11- Tell me about your life right now

Ok, originally this was something stupid. Like "leave a question in my askbox." I have no clue what that is, and I don't want to know. So I am going to update on my life, because a lot of stuff has happened. So, I am finally done with the Kum&Go. I have been done since last Thursday. It feels really great. But part of me really feels like its just a vacation. But anyways, I love it. So, then on Friday we went to Chicago. It was sooo awesome. On friday night we went out to eat, I ate with Matthew, Melissa, Nicole, and Emily. Then we went to see Romeo and Juliet. I'm not a big fan of that play, so I kind of laughed about it more than anything. After that I talked about it a lot with Kia and Maddie, and that was fun. Then we went back to the dorms and a group of us played Apples to Apples, which was super fun. I had a blast. On Saturday we went to the Aquarium. I hung out with a whole bunch of kids, and it was awesome. There was a show, which was kind of really lame, but also really funny and we had fun at it. Then after that we went to downtown Chicago. We went for lunch at Chipotle, which was SO good. Oh man. So so good. Then some of us wanted to go to Forever 21, so we went, but it was kind of dumb because barely anyone got anything. And we had to like run back to the bus and we were still late! So silly. Then we went back to the dorms, and got changed and whatever. After that we had dinner at this fancy place. I sat at the table with Maddie, Danica, Kia, Melissa, and two other people I don't know. Dinner was so funny. We were all talking and we just had so much fun. It was awesome. And then we went to see Candide, which was AWESOME! I laughed so much. It was amazing. And then we drove back on sunday morning. It was a really good weekend.

So now, this friday I'm going to Des Moines with the art kids, which will also be fun. Basically everything is good! I've been having a lot of fun!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 10

Day 10- What is your favorite website aside from Tumblr? Why?

Um. Probably Facebook or Amazon. I LOVE amazon. I can buy books!

Some of these questions are kinda lame...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 9

Day 9- If your house caught on fire what would be the most important things for you to save?

Ok, well if it was back in New York, my family. But here in Iowa, that's a different story. Hmm. Definitely my laptop. I would be so lost if I didn't have it anymore. Like it has all my music, all my pictures, all my homework and so much more on it. It would be the first thing I would grab.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 8

Day 8- Rant to me. About your family. Your friends. Your friend. A celebrity. A schoolmate. A tv show. Anything.

Hmm. I just got back from Chicago, I just left my shitty job, I just made a bunch of new friends. I really don't need to rant about anything. I suck. I'm sorry.

Day 7 (Saturday)

Day 7- Show me a picture of you and the person you feel closest to at this time?

Um...I'm not really sure. I don't feel closer to any person. Like most people who are my friends are pretty much at the same level. I don't know.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 6

Day 6- What’s your guilty pleasure tv show, food, and magazine?

Ok, I have a few guilty pleasures. Like for TV shows, any sort of chick show that I watch is a guilty pleasure, like Grey's Anatomy. A food? Hmmm. Probably any sort of burger, because I know they are soooo bad for me, but sometimes I just gotta be bad! haha. And any of the Star or Us crappy gossip magazines are a guilty pleasure. I don't even know if I'd call them a pleasure, usually I look at them to make fun of them. But all the same....

I'm off to Chicago this morning! Super duper excited!!! I hope this weekend is super kick ass.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 5

Day 5- Name your favorite sport and how you became interested in it. If you don’t like sports, tell us why :)

I've never really like sports. I mean I like Badminton and stuff, but I don't really like any sport enough to play it. I used to dislike sports because I was self-conscious and I didn't want to be seen running around a soccer field or basketball court. But now I am not into them just because my interests lie elsewhere. Sorry sports!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 4

Day 4- Please state your Hogwart’s House, your favorite spell, your patronus, your boggart, and your favorite book in the series :)

Hahah, I am going to like this challenge!! Ok, so I think I would be in Hufflepuff. I'm not as driven or smart as Ravenclaws, I'm not a bitch like Slytherins, and I'm not brave and fearless like Gryffindors. Hufflepuffs are kind of like the happy kids who don't worry too much, but do well. I think I'm content like the Hufflepuffs.
My favorite spell would probably be Accio, because being able to summon stuff would be super sick nasty. Like, oops, I forgot my textbook, Accio textbook! And bam, I got it.
My patronous...hmmm I have not thought about this before. Maybe a wolf or something solitary. Or a zebra?!? Haha i don't know.
My Boggart. Oooh scary. I think my boggart would be the deep numbness I used to feel a lot, and going back to the point in my life where I wasn't a happy person.
My favorite book was definitely Prisoner of Azkaban. I loved the crap out of that book, but the last book was super nifty too, even though so many people died :[

Ooh la la, harry potter!

Day 60

Day 60- What you learned from doing this challenge

Hmmm. I don't know if I really learned anything. But it was nice to write about things I usually don't write about.

I'm sad this challenge is over :[

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 3

Day 3- A picture and/or description of your favorite place in your world. And I’m not talking about like France or Greece. I’m talking somewhere you visit daily or atleast fairly often

My Iowa bedroom is like my favorite place these days. Sleep is so nice.

Day 59

Day 59- What you live for

Hmmm. I live for everything. I live for the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. I live for my opinions, I live for my goals. I live for everything there is to live for.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 58

Day 58- A moment you remember being completely happy in and a description of why you believe you were. What is your definition of happiness?

Hmm. There was this one morning where I was walking, and it wasn't too hot or cold out. There was a really nice breeze in the air. I was listening to Au Revior Simone. And I was just noticing how beautiful the world is. The sun was shining through the clouds in that way that looks magical. And I just remember feeling so at peace, and so content. I think I felt that way because things just felt right.

My definition of happiness is being content. Being content in who you are, what you have done and how you have lived. It doesn't mean you've loved every second of your live, or that you are happy with every decision you've ever made. It means being ok with it all, and being ok with the world. It's not this super-duper ecstatic thing, it's calm, it's content.

Day 2

Day 2- A picture of your celebrity crush and 5 things you would do to/with them, no questions asked.

Ok, so after watching Inception last night, I want to do lots of stuff to this guy right here. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Mmmmm.

  1. I would watch him swim.
  2. I would go walking with him
  3. I would watch a movie with him and cuddle on my couch
  4. I would do a lot of bad things that I will not specify!
  5. I would get drunkkkk with him.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 1

Day 1- Your name and 5 things about you no one really knows

Elizabeth Marie Deegan
1. I don't think I'll ever get married
2. I don't think I've ever been in love and I'm not sure its possible
3. I don't really mind being single
4. Even though I try really hard not to, I have a lot of trust issues with men
5. I think my biggest goal in life is to be able to buy my own home.

New Challenge!!

So desi-poo and I are really sad that the 60-day challenge is ending. So she found some new ones, and I like this one. Or most of it anyway. So I'll probably start today just because!

1st challenge :]

  1. Your name and 5 things about you that no one really knows
  2. A picture of one of your celebrity crushes and 5 things you would do with/to them. No questions asked.
  3. A picture and/or description of your favorite place in your world. And I’m not talking about like France or Greece. I’m talking somewhere you visit daily or atleast fairly often.
  4. Please state your Hogwart’s House, your favorite spell, your patronus, your boggart, and your favorite book in the series :)
  5. Name your favorite sport and how you became interested in it. If you don’t like sports, tell us why :)
  6. What’s your guilty pleasure tv show, food, and magazine?
  7. Show me a picture of you and the person you feel closest to at this time?
  8. Rant to me. About your family. Your friends. Your friend. A celebrity. A schoolmate. A tv show. Anything.
  9. If your house caught on fire what would be the most important things for you to save?
  10. What is your favorite website aside from Tumblr? Why?
  11. Leave a secret in my askbox :)
  12. Show me the first and last gif in your gif folder. Along with your favorite gif of all time or just from right now :)
  13. What is your favorite book (aside from Harry Potter :))?
  14. Show me a picture of your dream car.
  15. If you were to get a tattoo what would it be of, where would it be, and why would you get it?
  16. Name another celebrity crush and what would you say to them if you only had 30 seconds to talk to them while knowing you’d never see them again.
  17. Show me a picture of your dream house.
  18. If your ipod was to lose all but 5 songs with no chance of getting any other songs back onto it, what would you hope those songs would be?
  19. What are you craving to eat right now?
  20. Show me a picture of you smiling :)
  21. Post a picture of one thing you would buy if you had more than enough money to do so?
  22. Who in your family are you the closest to? Why?
  23. If you could have any pet regardless of what it is, what would you want?
  24. Show me a picture of yourself that you think you look good in :)
  25. What do you think your future looks like right now?
  26. List all of the things that make you smile/happier than anything else in the world/feel the best.
  27. What are your favorite lyrics from a song played by your favorite band/singer/artist?
  28. Who inspires you the most? Be it based on personality, style, or what they’ve accomplished in life. Feel free to list more than one :)
  29. Why did you choose your current profile picture/icon?
  30. Why did you do this challenge? Did you like it?

Confucius and Tao Te Ching

"...Shall I teach you what wisdom means? To know what you know and know what you do not know- this is wisdom."

"Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness; petty persons, then, are the opposite"

Tao Te Ching
"Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place."
"Express yourself completely, then keep quiet."

These are from my Honors Humanities class. I like them a lot. I kind of want to read some more!

Day 57

Day 57- Your definition of the meaning of life

Well...I don't know if I really think there is a bigger meaning of life. I mean I think life is for living, for trying to make yourself as happy as you can be, and for accepting the bad with the good. I personally don't really care if there is an afterlife, or if there is a bigger meaning or whatnot. I just know that for me, life is here, we all have our choices and we all have to learn how to deal with them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

11 Days left

I have about 11 days left at the Kum&Go. And honestly, I wish it was less. I am so ready to start all these new things, but I can't until I'm done there. It's just stressing me out. I want to be done now, but I still have all these shifts to go.
I mean I have all these other awesome things to do. Like work for BWhite, which has been fun so far. And Melissa just asked me to be Assistant Editor of the paper, which is super awesome. Plus, I want to hang with my friends. And I will when I am done at the Kum&Go. I am just so excited to be out of there.
Tomorrow night is my last overnight, and I can't wait for it to be over. I have work today, and it's going to blow, but I'll deal. Only 11 days. 11 days. ugh

Day 56

Day 56- Your definition of love

Wow, this is a deep one! Hmm. Let me think. Well there are a lot of types of loves. Like the type of love I have for my family would definitely be different from the type of love I would have for a man. But I'll explain the type of love for a man. So I think love is all about understanding. I mean, we are all different people, and for the most part we don't want to be with people that are 99% like us. So to love some one like that is to accept their differences. And to accept their individuality. Love is about having some one you can trust and some one you can rely on, but having that same person being ok with the fact that you have your own wants and needs. Love is about companionship. I mean obviously there has to be attraction, but without companionship, attraction doesn't last. Love doesn't mean loving some one unconditionally, and it doesn't mean loving everything about a person. It's about what you do with the aspects you don't like. It's about combining two lives even if they don't fit perfectly. It's about wanting to be together and learning new things about each other and knowing each other. Mostly, I think love is being able to be around some one and not having to talk or constantly be entertained, it's about being around some one and being satisfied.

I don't know. I can't really explain love. It's really just a shot in a barrel. If you find the right person, no one is to say that they will be the right person forever. But that's ok, because if it isn't anything else, love can be fleeting.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 55

Day 55- Something you would do if you knew no one would stop you or if you knew you wouldn't fail

I'd spend my life writing. I wouldn't worry about getting a real job, I would just write and go to school. I wouldn't worry about not doing well or being poor, I would just do it. That would be so nice.

I can't believe I'm almost done with this challenge! It's kind of sad!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 54

Day 54- Something you did as a child that everyone remembered you for

Well I don't think I did anything in particular that people remembered me for. Like there are things that I did that my family make fun of me for, but it's nothing people would remember me for. But, I did have something that people remembered me by. When I was younger my hair used to be a bit lighter and it was so curly that I basically had a white girl afro. It wasn't really a tight sort of afro, but it did look a bit like an afro. And everyone would always ask me where I got my curls from, and I would almost always respond with "From God's pocket." Yea, I was a lame kid.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 53

Day 53- Most awkward first impression you felt you've ever given

Hmm. I'm not really sure about this one. Like I don't know if I ever really come off at awkward in first impressions. I mean sometimes I come off as nonchalant or shy. And then if some one meets me first when I'm around friends then they will probably have the first impression of me as being funny, loud, and maybe a little bit obnoxious. I don't know if it's ever really awkward. I mean I don't know, because I imagine if it was really awkward I probably don't talk to those people anymore and it doesn't really matter to me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 52

Day 52- Some one you would give your life for without question

Um pretty much any member of my immediate family. Like, Mono, Cat, Bri or my mom. I would do it without hesitation.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 51

Day 51- Your favorite medium of art

I recently had to answer this question for Art History. I really like Printmaking, but I also love mixed media stuff. I'm really into putting different things together to make one cohesive piece. And printmaking always looks so real to me...if that makes any sense. I like art that really takes work, like carving wood or searching to find the perfect part for your piece. When I do art like that I always feel so much more accomplished.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 50

Day 50- A Band you immediately liked and the song that made you like them.

Ok, so I think one band I immediately liked was Brand New. And I feel like they are one band that I feel like really grew with me. The song I heard that made me like them was Seventy times 7. And I probably liked it because I was feeling pretty angsty those days, and it's a pretty angsty song. And then my love for them continued with Deja Entendu. And again with The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me, and finally with Daisy. Each album is so different from the previous one, and I feel like each one fits me at the point it comes out. So good.


Ok, so as I wrote before, I put in my notice for the Kum&Go. And for a while afterwards I felt really awful about it. And I also felt nervous. But now, time has passed, and things are looking so freaking amazing. So this weekend has given me a bit of a taste of how nice it will be to not work at the Kum&Go.
On Friday night I was invited to Christy's for dinner. I went and it was a lot of fun. It was really nice to just sit around, eat good food and talk to people my age. Like it just felt right.
And on Saturday, I wasn't planning on doing anything, but I actually had quite an eventful day! So I got up and did a whole bunch of homework. At like 1:15pm, Ali texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to the Civil War reenactment. I was all like "Heck yes!!" So at 2, we headed to the Civil War Days with a group of really great people. We walked around and looked at a lot of different old-timey things. Then at 3, there was a reenactment of a battle that took place near Lamoni. The cannons were soooo loud! And I was rooting so hard for the Yankees, but they lost. So sad. Haha, and then I got a ride back to the coffee shop and I went home. After that, I had to drop a book off to Chelsea Tobin for class. I ended up staying and talking to her for like 2 hours! It was awesome though. I feel like she and I always have really good conversations. I am really hoping we hang out a butt-load this semester!
So that has just been two days, and I feel like I am already meeting loads of new people and having so much more fun. I love it here, and I love so many of the people!
Also, I have been talking with people about my decision, and I found out that Barb Mesle, one of my English professors, and Kia were talking about how I really should leave the Kum&Go, even before I decided to. And a lot of people seem really happy for me. It really feels great to have like affirmation that I did the right thing. It is just starting to all fall into place. I feel really good about this.

I also realized that I will probably be able to work out more. Like I will be more rested and I will have more time to finish homework, so I will be able to work out a lot more. This is really awesome. I mean originally I thought I wouldn't really work out on weekends, but I think I will probably want to when I finish working at the K&G. I mean even if it's just walking, it will be that little bit more. I'm just really excited.

After these few days I've realized I did make the best possible choice. It's going to be great.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 49

Day 49- A passage from a book that has touched you

Hmf. I feel like I write about this all the time. But recently one quote from Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison has been in my brain. It's "You're not a serious person." I know that doesn't sound like much, but in the context of the book it was a lot. Like it's all about taking yourself and the world around you seriously. It's about taking all things into consideration. And I strive to be that way. For some reason that sentence just hit a chord with me.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The countdown begins.

So I gave my notice to the Kum&Go today. I feel really bad about it. I really really do. Like I know that it is the best thing for me to do, but I still feel awful about it. And I won't lie, part of me does feel good about it, because I don't really want to work there anymore. But mostly right now, I feel bad. I told Carolyn that I would work for three more weeks to help her out. I mean really, I am doing as much as I can. I'm probably doing more than I can. Now all I'm dreading is dealing with everyone else at the Kum&Go and having to justify myself to them. But honestly, what the fuck ever. Like it's not like I'm quitting this job to spend all my time doing nothing. Overall, I'm happy with my decision. I just hope that they are able to find some one before I go.

Day 48

Day 48- A picture that makes you feel

Way to be vague! But, this picture does make me makes me feel horny! Bahahahahaha

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just in case you were ever wondering what it is like to have the best mom...

"Quit the Kum&Go and live your dreams!!!"
-Momma Deegan

Day 47

Day 47- What you want to be remembered for

Even though I sincerely doubt I will be remembered for all that long, I guess I'd like to be remembered for my interactions with people. I guess how I treat people, how I make them laugh. Or whatever. I don't really know. I'm not really too bothered about being remembered.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So frustrated.

I am still not sure about this decision. Like I'm definitely going to do the student worker thing. But what I can't decide is the whole quitting-the-Kum-&-Go thing. Like half of me really wants to do it. I mean this week has been really tiring and I only have had 3 shifts and two days of class. I mean I doubt the weeks where I am away for the weekends will be easy. And I mean there are a lot of papers I have to write this semester.

But then there is the part of me that is a ridiculous work-aholic. Like I don't want to make things easy for myself. I know I could do it all, and that's the problem. I am having trouble cutting ties fully at the Kum&Go.

As Cat said, "And I understand your thinking because we're irish catholic with a workaholic father who only believed in making EVERYTHING hard." And it's so much a part of me. Like I'm so used to making things difficult for myself. But you know what, I don't want to be my father. I don't want to work my life away. I have to do this. I need to break this shit off.

Day 46

Day 46- Something you want to do in the next five years

There's a lot of stuff I want to do in the next five years. Firstly, I want to get down to a weight that I'm happy with. I want to graduate college, maybe even get a masters degree. I want to get a real job that I like. And there's not much more after all of that. Those are mostly my goals. Oh maybe pay off a bit of my student loans.

I can't believe it's day 46 already! Crazy!