Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Liz a tool.

For serious. I am supposed to be reading Beloved, but I am being a dumb doofus face and procrastinating. I just want to tell some one stuff. Like have a conversation where it seems like we're talking about random things but we're really learning a lot of things about each other. I feel like those types of conversations are the bestest. I am ashamed of using the word bestest seeing as it is not a word, and I should try to be a good English major and use real words. But...fuck that noise. I really enjoy that saying: "Fuck that noise." It's fun.

But in other news, next week is spring break. And I am staying here. woot? But I need this break so bad. I can always tell when I need a break. I get fidgety and I start to have real trouble working on my homework. And that is happening to me now. I just took like the whole evening to read 87 pages of Beloved. Which I enjoy doing. Break is needed!

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