Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yeesh. Revelations

Ok, so I've been super boring recently. I know this, but thankfully I don't have readers so I don't have to worry about it. But I am going to try and remedy this a little bit. Who knows how it will go.

So, revelations. Recently I've been a douche bag. I've been worrying a lot about how I come off. Like you know how everyone judges people automatically even though they claim they don't? Well I know I can come off as a cold hard bitch, or I can come off as an obnoxious weirdo, and then there are the few times where I come off as a relatively interesting person. Or at least this is what I think. But, back to the point, I've been worrying about this. Like to the point where I'm analyzing what I do and see if it's bad or good. Dumb. I mean I am socially awkward, so sometimes I might kind of ignore people without really knowing I am. Like I just don't have anything to say. And I think this stupid awful worry has been attributing to this awkwardness. So, I've decided to stop being a freaking tool box and just do what I do. And if people don't like me, then whateva. I mean I can't help what people think of me, so I'm going to stop caring whether I should acknowledge some one or not. I'll just do what feels right. be honest, I probably will have trouble making this transition. Practice I guess.

Another revelation, numbers suck. With this whole trying-not-to-be-fat-anymore thing, I've been obsessing over the numbers. And I've been forgetting about how great I've done so far. So, the other day I decided to throw out my scales, and I did. And even though I feel a little panicky right now about it, it will be good in the long run. Because really, I'm letting the numbers cloud everything else. And fuck the numbers, because I know I've gotten smaller. There goes my number worry!

Ok, and to finish up, a little fun fact that I found funny; A cop from the Decauter Country police has Kesha's Tik Tok as his ringtone. Bahaha.

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