Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lady Gaga

These are some parts of an interview I found really interesting, some answered questions I had about her, and some were just really cute.

Alexander Fury: Your looks are so extreme. Is this a reaction to something? Are you questioning or altering the status quo of women’s style? – Asked by Mario Testino, London.

Lady Gaga: Yes. Yes I am. I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we’re taught to view women. My work, both visually and musically, is a rejection of all those things. And most importantly a quest. It’s exciting because all of the avant-garde clothing, and musical style and lyrics that at one time was considered shocking or unacceptable are now trendy. Perhaps we can make women’s rights trendy. Strength, feminism, security, the wisdom of the woman. Let’ make that trendy

This question answered a lot about Gaga for me. I've always wondered if she knew that she came off in a feminist way sometimes and if she was doing that on purpose. I love that she says women are all these different things, and that it isn't wrong. That's a lot like my philosophy, and I just loved that this was cleared up for me, and that she is doing this purposely.

Alexander Fury: Kurt Vonnegut once said that humans have been telling fantastic stories from the beginning of the time, and that the drama found in such stories is something we constantly try to emulate in our own lives. With your music and aesthetic, are you another fantastic story-teller, or are you showing us what real life can be? – Asked by Nabil Azadi, Auckland, New Zealand.

Lady Gaga: Both. I’m telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true.

This is another one. In cultural studies, we evaluated her video "Poker Face," and we commented on how she is portraying this lifestyle that isn't really real. And even though in my opinion, that video, and Just Dance, were not videos that really express Gaga's true vision, I felt tangled about her. But knowing that she knows that the lifestyle she represents is not real, it shows that she is just that much more amazing. To be honest, this one kind of opens up more questions for me.

Alexander Fury: What do you think is the biggest misconception about you? – Asked by Ethan, Fort Worth.

Lady Gaga: That I’m a character. Or that Gaga is separate from Stephanie. We are one and the same, there is no difference. I am exactly who I say I am, and I am exactly who you say I am.

Another one that I wanted an answer to. It is almost like she has allowed herself to become and accept what the world thinks of her. She has almost made herself a living and breathing product, yet not even a product. She is herself, but she is who people think she is. Interesting.

Alexander Fury: Let’s talk about the discrepancy between your private and public lives. Where is the line? When is the precise second when it switches? Do you feel the need to take a deep breath and do the thing, or does it always feel like you’re on stage? – Asked by Hedi Slimane, Paris.

Lady Gaga: There’s two parts to that question. The first part, the discrepancy between private and public life: I believe as an artist, being private in public is at the core of the aesthetic, the message. However, I profusely lie about my personal relationships in an effort to protect that aesthetic and that message. Today people are distracted by unimportant things – like what my diet is, or who I’m fucking. The second part of the question said when is the precise moment when it switches: I would like to be able to say when there’s a dick inside me it switches. But it doesn’t always. I do sometimes feel that I’m on a stage all the time, and I do feel that life is a stage for my art. When I’m dancing, singing, making breakfast. But there is a moment of freedom, when the stage disappears: when I cry. On stage, off stage, alone or with someone. There’s something very honest about that. It has nothing to do with taking off a wig or smearing my lipstick. It doesn’t even have anything to do about whether I have an orgasm. It’s much deeper than that.

I'm glad that she answered this so thoroughly. Because it refutes the idea I posed right above, that she is a product. She isn't. She is a human being who threw herself into this world of fame but she has accepted the terms of fame. But I am glad that she does get some time for herself and free moments.

Alexander Fury: What is the one thing that you hope your fans take away from you as a person, and your music? – Asked by Kristin Fritz, Minnesota.

Lady Gaga: I want them to love themselves. If I could for a moment just inspire you to love yourself, that would be worth everything.

I love this. I truly hope she really is like this.

Alexander Fury: What’s the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done? – Asked by Spencer, Nampa.

Lady Gaga: I am very nerdy every day. I don’t know if I can even find a way to separate one out. Right now the Haus of Gaga and I are in the middle of trying to extract the effect the smell of blood have on people. We really want to know.

Hahaha, I love this so much. Gaga is a nerd. I too am interested in the effect of the smell of blood.

Alexander Fury: You are amazing. Instead of being asked a specific question, is there any specific thing that you would like to say to your fans right now? – Asked by Celeste, Pennsylvania.

Lady Gaga: I would like to say to all my little monsters who I love so much that I cannot imagine my life without you, nor can I imagine my future without you. And I sometimes even question how I survived without you, before you. I will forever passionately only serve you. I love you.


This woman is amazing. I don't care if some people just see her as a product as pop, she isn't. She is a revolutionary person, regardless if she stays famous. She is not on a pedestal, she is a person, but she is an amazing person at that. This interview made me respect her all the more. I wish I could sit down and talk to her.


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