Sunday, June 20, 2010

Little Brother and Gaga

Haha, I just realized something, and I just had to document it somewhere. Ok, so my little brother is all about skateboarding, school, and girls. So, that's what I expect of him. But yesterday I was talking to my brother, and somehow the new Gaga video cam up, 'Alejandro.' So, I was expecting like him to just be like "Oh, she's a weirdo," and whatever, but he brought something up that surprised me, and makes me so happy! So he was saying that Lady Gaga is still shocking because she makes all the male dancers dance like women and that he first thought the guys were girls. And at first I was like, yea that's true. But now, I'm rethinking it, and I'm like HUZZAH! Brother!!! He noticed something really legit in gender roles! Like seriously! I am so proud of how he observed that! Like I don't think I even noticed it! So freaking awesome. I think this is so amazing. It makes me so happy right now!

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