Sunday, June 20, 2010

Triple Major?!?

Ok, so I realized that I am like 4-5 classes away from an art major instead of a minor. And it seems like a waste to not go for it and triple major. However, I don't think I am going to do anything with art in my work field. I am not sure. I've been toying with the idea, and I know I probably shouldn't do it, because there isn't much point, but it just seems like a waste. I've been debating back and forth in my head. Hmm.

And this lead to me thinking about I have no clue what I want to do with my life. I mean, duh, I want to do something with English, and maybe some art. But mostly English. After that, I'm not really sure. Alack. Too much to think about. I mean, I don't know I'll probably try as much as possible to get close to a third major, but if I don't get it in time, then I guess I won't go for it. Hmm. I'll just have to figure it all out.

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