Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Barruhmp pah pah pah

Last night was soo good. I hung out with Bri, and her friends Terrence, Danny, Julio, Katie, and Tommy. We got sooo inebriated. So nice. Yum. I need some friends in Iowa to do this with.

Today I went to the gyno...eek. It was better than expected. And now I'm on birth control. Or at least I will be soon. Also, I got my passport renewed. That's loads of stuff all settled.

I went shopping yesterday as well! And I think if I'm not already down to a size 16, I am very close! I'm actually wearing a pair of size 16 pants right now! So happy!

Tonight I'm going to the MC Chris concert! So excited!!!

Day 30

Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy

What tickles my fancy today is a recall on my rant on my online course. Because in the past few days I have realized that I did learn something from that class. I mean I could have easily learned as much from researching on the internet, but all the same. Also, I found out I got an A in the class, so of course that makes things better. Plus, for my final essay, this is what my professor said "This was the most interesting article I’ve ever read in teaching this class for the past 17 years! Thank you!" What a freaking compliment! That's just like so amazing! I am so flattered and happy right now. So, I am sorry online class, for originally giving you shit.

Also, the above dinosaur. Kick-ass right?

And another thing, I am now starting another online class. Oh boy.

And another thing! I think I might be really close to a size 16!!! So freaking happy!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 29

Day 29- Hopes Plans and Dreams for the next 365 days

Wow. Well thats a lot of goals and plans and dreams. But probably the biggest one is to continue to lose weight. I would really like to be down to the point where I am comfortable within the next year. I'm not sure how possible it is, but it is an aspiration. I also plan to get A's in all my courses and rock this education out. I hope that I will also increase my friend-making skills and get a solid group of friends. I also hope to become a little more financially stable, or at least to FEEL a little more financially stable. I want to read a shit ton. I want to work hard and well on The Tower, and impress my teachers and peers. I want to climb even more out of my shell and really show who I am. I mostly just want to continue on the journey I have already set out for myself. So...that's my plan for the next year!

Hmf. Jerkdom.

So, I feel like a jerk for what I'm about to say, but I kind of miss my apartment. It's not really about anyone in particular, I just don't really feel like I fit here anymore. I don't know what it is. I mean I still love and get along with everyone, but it's just kind of different. I don't know why, but I definitely feel more comfortable by myself. Hm. Maybe it's just how I am. I don't really know.
I think part of it may be that I don't feel like myself here anymore. I kind of feel stunted into the person who I was before I left for college. I feel sort of stuck in a box. It's odd. I don't know if this is going to be for the rest of my life, or if it's just now. I just feel like I can't be as open for some reason. Hm. I also don't really feel needed. I don't know. I'm probably over-reacting.

In related news, I don't know where my life is headed after college. My mind is a jumble. Alack.

Day 28

Day 28- Your year in detail

Hmm. January. Work, work, work. Reading a shit ton. I started school at the end of the month. In February, I worked and did school work, just like March, April and most of May. When school was over in May, Catherine came out and visited. Then June started. In June I did more and more work. I worked at the Art Camp and then came home to NY. And now I am here. I know this isn't in detail either, but I don't care.

Day 27

Day 27- This month in detail

Ummm. Early this month I spent my days reading, relaxing, and jogging. Also, working. Then later in the month, I had five days off, which was extra fun. Then I started art camp. Soon after that I came to NY. And now I'm in NY. I know that's not great detail, but whatever.

Day 26

Day 26- Your Week in great detail

Ok, So this week. On monday I did laundry and I got my car's oil changed. I hung around, packed my bags, and then I went to sleep at 5 and got up at nine. Then I worked from 10:00 to 6:15 on tuesday morning. Then I hung around a little, and then I went to sleep. When I finally woke up I watched netflix on my computer. I also cleaned up my apartment and finished packing up my bags. Then I was lazy. I went to sleep early, like 4 and woke up at 9. I worked from 10 to 6:15 on wednesday morning. I went home and took a shower. Then I slept for like an hour and a half. I woke up and packed up all my carry on stuff. Then I packed up my car, grabbed all my stuff and threw out my garbage. And then I locked my door. Then I drove to Casey's and bought breakfast. And after that I went to the post office and sent my book away. Then I set out on the road. I drove to KCI airport. I parked in the cheap parking lot and got a shuttle bus to the airport. Then I checked my luggage in. I went through the x-ray machine and the lady felt up my back, thinking that my bra strap was a bomb. Then after I explained that it was my bra strap I went to sit by the window and watch Lie to Me. I hung around the airport for almost 2 hours. Then I boarded onto the plane and flew home to NY. I got to the airport and my Mom couldn't find me. I eventually found her and then we drove home. I then hung around with the family. On Thursday I hung with the family and I went to the mall with Mono and bought some clothes. The I went and took pictures of Bri for prom and had fun. Then I went to stop and shop with cat and bought stuff. Then we came home and I forget what I did. On Friday I went and watched Brianna graduate. Then we went out to dinner. After that I went home and watched movies with Mono. On Saturday I was lazy. I went to Costco with my momma. And I went to Kevin's graduation party. Yesterday I was even more lazy. I just hung around watching movies. Then later I went out with Bri and some cool kids. That was my week!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 25

Day 25- Your day in great detail

Ok, so this morning I woke up at 9:22 am. I then went on to go to the bathroom. After that I checked around to see if anyone was awake. They weren't. So then I went back to my room and finished my book. Then I went onto my blog and wrote about the book. And I was about to write this but I realized I needed to wait the whole day so that I could write about it in detail. Then I fucked around on facebook for a bit. Next I took a shower because I was dirty. Then I drove down to the deli and got 2 iced coffees for Cat and a muffin for myself. I drove to TD bank and deposited some money. I drove home and ate my muffin while doing that. Then I laid on my bed and played Plants vs. Zombies for a ridiculously long time while talking to Cat about random stuff and her super cute online professor. Then Bri showed up and talked about her prom for like a gajillion years. It was fun! Then I found out I had to work for a while. So then I went to work and worked from 2:30 to 4:00. Then I came home and got changed and did my make up. We waited around and hung around until 5ish then we headed out to Bri's graduation. Then we sat on the grass and watched her graduate. Ants covered my feet. It was gross. Then I walked back to the car with no shoes on. And then I put my shoes back on. We went to Mt. Ivy Diner and ate food. Yummy. Then we came home and went back out to get movies. And now I'm sitting home watching She's Out of My League, which is funny. Now I'm gonna finish watching it. That was my day.

Book # 5 How I Became Stupid

Hm. i have mixed feelings about this book. I love the idea so much. It is about a guy who is sick of being intelligent to the point of exhaustion and instead decides to "become" stupid. This idea is amazing, and even though I am not the genius like the main character, sometime I feel the same way. However, I think SO much more could be done with this book. I feel like the road to becoming stupid was too small. Like all he did was start taking anti-depressants and then ended up getting a job at a stock brokerage company and get rich. I mean technically when he was "stupid" his life was more of a success in American standards. I guess that message is great though; that the ideal life isn't exactly ideal, that maybe a messed up life is better.

See, I am just unsure about this book. Even though I like it, if it was a little different and maybe a little longer, I could see myself LOVING it. I'm going to let myself ruminate on this.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 24

Day 24- Whatever tickles your fancy

Today my baby-face sister has senior prom. I feel so old! She looked so beautiful! It's amazing.

In other news, I went shopping today. And I was able to go to regular size people stores! It was awesome!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Book #4 Reflections in a Golden Eye

Ok, so I don't have a quote, because I finished this book last night at work and left it in Iowa. But I'm still going to write about it. So Carson McCullers is one of my favorite authors. I love her dark writing style. She's the bomb to say the least.

This one wasn't my favorite, but parts of it were just juicy in their oddness. Like the fact that Major was relieved when his daughter died. Also, the little tid-bits about the Captin and his expressions of anger. I kind of wish that the characters could have been a little bit more developed, because I did grow attatched to them. I really liked and pitied Alison, as she was crazy and sick and no one by Anteclo seemed to really care about her until she died. I bet she was a lovely woman before her daughter died.

The character I really didn't like was the Major. He didn't have much of a personality, but what I really disliked about him was that he would convince himself of things so thoroughly even if they were obviously not true. And he only began giving a shit about Alison after her death. He irked me.

I did like how Leonora was kind of the power in her relationship with the Captin. Even though she wasn't as smart as him, she still had power over him. It was a nice dynamic. I liked this book, and I feel like whenever I reread it, I will like it more.

Day 23

Day 23- A YouTube video

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Book #3 The Awakening by Kate Chopin

"She felt as if a mist had been lifted from her eyes, enabling her to look upon and comprehend the significance of life, that monster made up of beauty and brutality."

Ok, so quickly before I divulge into my opinions of this book, I would just like to say that this isn't really my third book of the summer. I've read like 9 books in between this one and the last one, I just don't feel like writing about them because they are flighty time-passing books. Not that they are bad, they just are surface-y.

So, divulging begins now. This book is about a woman who kind of awakens from her life of dull housewifery and begins to notice her own wants. She begins to recognize herself as an important and separate entity. This is awesome. And I would like to applaud Kate Chopin for writing this book at the time. For the time it was written in, this book was very controversial and very gutsy. So, for the time, I am totally down with this book.

For the present though, not so sure. There are some issues I have, that I won't blame Kate Chopin for, because honestly during the time she wrote this, it was more than enough. However, there are issues all the same. Ok, so Edna Pontellier is the main character who is awakening out of this stupor of a life she has been holding. But, we need to look at her and realize that throughout the novel, she is constantly portrayed as being other-ly. She is not the same as everyone else. Almost as if she is special.
"A casual and indiscriminating observer, in passing, might not cast a second glance upon the figure. But with more feeling and discernment he would have recognized the noble beauty of its modeling, and the graceful severity of poise and movement, which made Edna Pontellier different from the crowd." This is what I'm talking about, not to mention the fact that the watcher is even pointed out as a "he," making it all the obvious that what men think about Edna is important. But back to what I was saying, she is pinned down as special and different. This makes it seem like only some women can claim this feat, that only special women can be awakened. I don't like this so much. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that she was awakened by a male. Edna wasn't able to shake herself out of the lie she was living until she met an ultra-fabulous male. So that blows. I mean by way of this novel, only super special women who meet and fall in love with super special men can be awakened to become their own person. Kind of sad. But again, not really blaming Chopin for this.

Ok, so that bummed me out, because all women have the ability to wake up and recognize themselves. They shouldn't have to be special or have to meet men that inspire them in order to find themselves.

A thing I did like though, was that in the end, she didn't end up with Robert (the guy that inspired her). She was able to live her life by herself, caring about her children and herself. In a way, it is awesome, because in this book, the man has become the tool for creating a better vision of a woman, whereas traditionally women are the ones being used to make men look better. Overall, I did like this book. It was neato. And forgiving the few things I mentioned, it really is a good story about a woman finding herself.

Day 22

Day 22- A website Love!! I love etsy so much even though I barely get to buy something from it. Such a wonderful website!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 21

Day 21- A recipe

Ok, so a I don't know many recipes. So, I'll do a fake lame recipe.

Ok, so take a regular person, add a hint of eccentricities, and 3 table spoons of bad-assery, and a cup an a half of pure golden awesomeness. Mix it all together, and you will come out with LIZ DEEGAN!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rule #6

Don't call the Kum & Go and ask to talk. Like just to talk. As if it was a friendly call, even though I have no clue who you are.

Ok, this is really creepy. This is the second time this has happened to me. Some guy calls on the phone and says "Hey" like we're old friends. I continue to ask who he is and what he needs. "John" just wants to talk, aand wonders if I have time to talk. Fuck that, I'm at work. So freaking creepy. Like he talks as if he knows me, and it freaks me out. I always end up hanging up on him, because I am just so creeped out by it all. So this is my new rule: Don't call the Kum & Go to talk to me if you're some creepy guy that I don't know.

Student Loans

Ok, so I'm going through this journey of private student loans. And it fucking blows. Because apparently, I don't have good enough credit to get one without a cosigner, and my mom doesn't have very good credit either. Therefore, it's like a fucking trial to get a bank to lend me some money. Which is really annoying, because how am I ever going to be able to improve my credit if I can't go to college and get a good job? I don't even know how I have bad credit, except for the fact that I am in debt since I had to pay for my summer classes with my credit cards. Ugh. It's like there is a system in place to screw over the hard working people over and over again. I mean, how is it that I'm sitting here after working all night, working my butt off in school, trying to make a better living for myself and trying to refrain from living off the government as much as possible. Yet, here I also am, with a shit fucking chance of getting a private loan to pay for the college I love so much. I don't understand how this is expected of people. Fucking nuts. This cycle of bull shit is ridiculous. I'm just going to have to keep on working on it, because fuck all, I'm not working extra hours and working myself to the bone any fucking more.

Triple Major?!?

Ok, so I realized that I am like 4-5 classes away from an art major instead of a minor. And it seems like a waste to not go for it and triple major. However, I don't think I am going to do anything with art in my work field. I am not sure. I've been toying with the idea, and I know I probably shouldn't do it, because there isn't much point, but it just seems like a waste. I've been debating back and forth in my head. Hmm.

And this lead to me thinking about I have no clue what I want to do with my life. I mean, duh, I want to do something with English, and maybe some art. But mostly English. After that, I'm not really sure. Alack. Too much to think about. I mean, I don't know I'll probably try as much as possible to get close to a third major, but if I don't get it in time, then I guess I won't go for it. Hmm. I'll just have to figure it all out.

Little Brother and Gaga

Haha, I just realized something, and I just had to document it somewhere. Ok, so my little brother is all about skateboarding, school, and girls. So, that's what I expect of him. But yesterday I was talking to my brother, and somehow the new Gaga video cam up, 'Alejandro.' So, I was expecting like him to just be like "Oh, she's a weirdo," and whatever, but he brought something up that surprised me, and makes me so happy! So he was saying that Lady Gaga is still shocking because she makes all the male dancers dance like women and that he first thought the guys were girls. And at first I was like, yea that's true. But now, I'm rethinking it, and I'm like HUZZAH! Brother!!! He noticed something really legit in gender roles! Like seriously! I am so proud of how he observed that! Like I don't think I even noticed it! So freaking awesome. I think this is so amazing. It makes me so happy right now!

Day 20

Day 20- A hobby of yours

Well in case it isn't already painfully obvious, what with all the posted pictures in the last while, a hobby of mine is photography. Film photography. I like this, because when I am older I want to have bajillions of memories in the form of pictures. I might have to get a big photo album, or something to separate and organize them.

In Spring I am going to take a really cool photography class, and I'm super excited. I also have about 20 or so film canisters to develop, which is also REALLY exciting. I'm kind of nervous, because I have no clue how well they will turn out. Plus, it will take forever to scan them into my computer.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Momma

I love her so much. And sometimes I think I forget just how much she means to me and how much she does for me. I can't wait to go home and hug my mommy. I miss her a lot. I need these four days to fly by.

Day 19

Day 19- A talent of yours

Hmm. There aren't many things I would consider myself talented at. However, one thing I think I am talented at is reading people and recognizing feelings. I feel like I can usually tell how people are feeling and that I can keep up with what's going on with them. Observations I guess.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 18

Day 18- Whatever tickles your fancy

You know what would really tickle my fancy? sleep. A whole lot of fucking sleep. So tired.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 16

Day 16- A song that makes you cry, or nearly cry

Well this all depends on the mood. However, one song that always hits me hard is Sia's Breathe Me. Oh gosh. It is so ridiculously emotional. Part of the reason is because it was playing during the end of Six Feet Under, and I literally bawled when I watched that, but it's also just about the song. It's a heart wrenching song. But it's also so beautiful.

On another note, SUPER freaking busy with art camp. Ridonkulous.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 14 & Day 15

Day 14- A Nonfiction Book
Day 15- A Fanfic

I don't read nonfiction books often. And I never read fanfic. Sorry 30-day challenge :[

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 13

Day 13- A Fictional Book

Hmm. There are a lot of fictional books I like. I don't really know what I am supposed to do with this prompt. Like, am I supposed to pick one? And talk about it? I feel like I do that so much already in this blog. But ok, so I'll write about MiddleSex by Jeffrey Eugenides. This is a super good book. It's about this girl who is a hermaphrodite. In the book they go back to past to her grandmother's life. The grandmother has an incestuous love relationship with her brother. They got married and everything. And this is where the genes got all mixed up. It eventually lead to the hermaphrodite thing. And it goes into her whole journey of finding out about this and understanding what that means. It's a really great read. I need to read it again actually!

Rule #5

Seriously now? I get it, gas can mean flatulence, however, at a gas station convenience store where gas means gasoline, the joke get old fast. Stop.

It's really not funny anymore. Please, please stop it. It gets awkward for me, and I really hate fake-laughing at lame jokes.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 12

Day 12- Whatever tickles your fancy
Ok, so what tickles my fancy today is a bitching session. I hate online summer classes. I really really really do. Right now I am on my final paper for this ridiculous Technical Report Writing class, and I just want to be done right now. It is so dumb. And it's going to drag on forever. I hate it. At this point I really don't give a shit if I get a B, because I honestly just hate it. Like this teacher gives no guidance, and instead makes us ask each other for help. I'm sorry dude, but I'm not paying this much money to read a book and ask my peers for help. So dumb. I don't get the point. It's maddening. When I am done with this class, I will be so thankful. Ugh.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 11

Day 11- A photo of you taken recently.

Awww yea. Fun at the zoo man.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 10

Day 10- A picture of you taken over ten years ago
I don't know how old I was when this picture was taken. However, it makes me laugh all the time. I look like such a doofus haha

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 9

Day 09- A picture you took
This is one of the first photos that I took that I was really pleased with. It's my favorite tree right outside my window at home. I love this picture.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sometimes I wish that I could have one or two days where it was just me and the world. As if every other human being just abandoned the world, and I was left all alone. The world would be my playground.

I feel like this idea shouldn't appeal to me, yet it does.

Lady Gaga

These are some parts of an interview I found really interesting, some answered questions I had about her, and some were just really cute.

Alexander Fury: Your looks are so extreme. Is this a reaction to something? Are you questioning or altering the status quo of women’s style? – Asked by Mario Testino, London.

Lady Gaga: Yes. Yes I am. I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we’re taught to view women. My work, both visually and musically, is a rejection of all those things. And most importantly a quest. It’s exciting because all of the avant-garde clothing, and musical style and lyrics that at one time was considered shocking or unacceptable are now trendy. Perhaps we can make women’s rights trendy. Strength, feminism, security, the wisdom of the woman. Let’ make that trendy

This question answered a lot about Gaga for me. I've always wondered if she knew that she came off in a feminist way sometimes and if she was doing that on purpose. I love that she says women are all these different things, and that it isn't wrong. That's a lot like my philosophy, and I just loved that this was cleared up for me, and that she is doing this purposely.

Alexander Fury: Kurt Vonnegut once said that humans have been telling fantastic stories from the beginning of the time, and that the drama found in such stories is something we constantly try to emulate in our own lives. With your music and aesthetic, are you another fantastic story-teller, or are you showing us what real life can be? – Asked by Nabil Azadi, Auckland, New Zealand.

Lady Gaga: Both. I’m telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true.

This is another one. In cultural studies, we evaluated her video "Poker Face," and we commented on how she is portraying this lifestyle that isn't really real. And even though in my opinion, that video, and Just Dance, were not videos that really express Gaga's true vision, I felt tangled about her. But knowing that she knows that the lifestyle she represents is not real, it shows that she is just that much more amazing. To be honest, this one kind of opens up more questions for me.

Alexander Fury: What do you think is the biggest misconception about you? – Asked by Ethan, Fort Worth.

Lady Gaga: That I’m a character. Or that Gaga is separate from Stephanie. We are one and the same, there is no difference. I am exactly who I say I am, and I am exactly who you say I am.

Another one that I wanted an answer to. It is almost like she has allowed herself to become and accept what the world thinks of her. She has almost made herself a living and breathing product, yet not even a product. She is herself, but she is who people think she is. Interesting.

Alexander Fury: Let’s talk about the discrepancy between your private and public lives. Where is the line? When is the precise second when it switches? Do you feel the need to take a deep breath and do the thing, or does it always feel like you’re on stage? – Asked by Hedi Slimane, Paris.

Lady Gaga: There’s two parts to that question. The first part, the discrepancy between private and public life: I believe as an artist, being private in public is at the core of the aesthetic, the message. However, I profusely lie about my personal relationships in an effort to protect that aesthetic and that message. Today people are distracted by unimportant things – like what my diet is, or who I’m fucking. The second part of the question said when is the precise moment when it switches: I would like to be able to say when there’s a dick inside me it switches. But it doesn’t always. I do sometimes feel that I’m on a stage all the time, and I do feel that life is a stage for my art. When I’m dancing, singing, making breakfast. But there is a moment of freedom, when the stage disappears: when I cry. On stage, off stage, alone or with someone. There’s something very honest about that. It has nothing to do with taking off a wig or smearing my lipstick. It doesn’t even have anything to do about whether I have an orgasm. It’s much deeper than that.

I'm glad that she answered this so thoroughly. Because it refutes the idea I posed right above, that she is a product. She isn't. She is a human being who threw herself into this world of fame but she has accepted the terms of fame. But I am glad that she does get some time for herself and free moments.

Alexander Fury: What is the one thing that you hope your fans take away from you as a person, and your music? – Asked by Kristin Fritz, Minnesota.

Lady Gaga: I want them to love themselves. If I could for a moment just inspire you to love yourself, that would be worth everything.

I love this. I truly hope she really is like this.

Alexander Fury: What’s the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done? – Asked by Spencer, Nampa.

Lady Gaga: I am very nerdy every day. I don’t know if I can even find a way to separate one out. Right now the Haus of Gaga and I are in the middle of trying to extract the effect the smell of blood have on people. We really want to know.

Hahaha, I love this so much. Gaga is a nerd. I too am interested in the effect of the smell of blood.

Alexander Fury: You are amazing. Instead of being asked a specific question, is there any specific thing that you would like to say to your fans right now? – Asked by Celeste, Pennsylvania.

Lady Gaga: I would like to say to all my little monsters who I love so much that I cannot imagine my life without you, nor can I imagine my future without you. And I sometimes even question how I survived without you, before you. I will forever passionately only serve you. I love you.


This woman is amazing. I don't care if some people just see her as a product as pop, she isn't. She is a revolutionary person, regardless if she stays famous. She is not on a pedestal, she is a person, but she is an amazing person at that. This interview made me respect her all the more. I wish I could sit down and talk to her.

This is why I love CollegeHumor

So freaking hilarious. I love College Humor.

Day 8

Day 08- A photo that makes you angry or sad
This is a picture of a bird covered in oil, due to the BP oil spill. Need I say more?

Besides, FUCK YOU BP? I think that about sums it up...

Day 7

Day 07- A photo that makes you happy

I love photos. I have a bajillion of them, and I have 20 rolls of film that I have to get developed. The first photo that makes me happy is of my momma when she is being silly. Looking through my photos just made me really homesick, so these two photos made me happy. My silly momma and my house. I am getting excited to go home :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 6

Day 06- Whatever tickles your fancy

This is going to happen every six days of this challenge. Hm. Ok then, let me find something random on my computer and I'll just put it here.

Ok well it would only let me have the picture first, so there it is. It is also my on my desktop background. It makes me giggle.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 5

Day 05- Your favorite quote

" means wanting everything that is, everything that lives, and wanting it alive."
-Hélène Cixous

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known."
-Chuck Palahniuk

I like both these quotes a lot. I like the first one because Cixous is such a cool lady, and she puts a new spin on feminism. She isn't one of those people that says women should refrain from anything. And I love that. Living means being able to love everything and do everything.
The second one is one I have always loved. Because if there is anything I believe, it's that people are mosaics. They are put together by everything and everyone they encounter. I like this idea.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 4

Day 04- Your Favorite Book

I am kind of sick of these "favorite" challenges. I don't like picking one thing that I like the best, because in my view, why would there be so many great things if we are only supposed to pick one. So just like the last 3 days, I'll probably list a few books. One novella I love and inspired me to make English my life choice was "The Ballad of the Sad Cafe" by Carson McCullers. In my opinion, one of the best pieces of writing. She's amazing. But there is also "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Euginedes (spelling?). And Toni Morrison's books. Preferably "Song of Solomon" and "The Bluest Eye." And I love Chuck Palahnuik's stuff. I like so many books. But usually anything by one of these four authors is usually what I will like.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 3

Day 03: Favorite Television Program

Hmm Ok, this changes too. for a really long time, it was The Office. But as of recent seasons, it has not been tickling my fancy os much anymore. This saddens me, but it is the truth. Now I think it is like a three way tie between Community, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and United States of Tara. And right now I'm only talking about shows that are still on the air. So, I absolutely love Community, but since it is only on it's first year, I am hesitant to say it's my favorite, because next season might end up sucking. I hope not. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia always makes me laugh. The crude and unbelievable humor gets me every time. It gets to the point that I wish I knew these horrible people just so I could laugh at them all the time. And United States of Tara! It's about a woman (played by Toni Collete!) who has Multiple Personality Disorder. And it can be really funny, but it's also so interesting. I am intrigued by her illness and how it works. She is struggling to find the point where it all began and I am so anxious to find out! I love this show. Overall though, I'd say Community is top notch right now.

But, I am forgetting my ended shows! And these two are probably my REAL favorites. Arrested Development and Six Feet Under. Both of these shows had amazing seasons. I don't think that either of them have ever disappointed me. With Six Feet Under, the finale sealed it as a favorite of mine. I feel like if the ending is done well, then the show is probably good. Six Feet Under was amazing in every way. And Arrested Development! Oh it killed me when that ended. I loved that show! I still love it. It is so amazingly hilarious! I miss them!

There are other shows I like too. I really like, and will miss Flight of the Conchords. Parks and Recreation has rebooted itself this season to be one of my top shows. Dexter, Nurse Jackie, True Blood (guilty pleasure), Curb Your Enthusiam! Freaks and Geeks. Bones! So many wonderful shows. This is getting me in the mood to buy stuff. eek!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2

Day 02 — Your favorite movie
I don't have a favorite movie, because there isn't one movie that I can watch at any time. There are favorite movies I have for each mood I'm in. Like if I'm in a sad and lonely mood, I'll watch the 5 hour Pride and Prejudice (I know, lame). If I am in the mood to laugh, Pineapple Express or Forgetting Sarah Marshall. If I am in a man-hating mood, Hard Candy. I don't want a favorite movie, because there are just so many movies to fit so many moods. I like it this way.

I have work at 3. It blows.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Paper Heart

"Your love glass is half full" -Seth Rogen

So, this movie. I liked it quite a bit. Not too sure about the ending though. Let me explain. Ok, Charlyne Yi, a skeptic about love. Not about the fact of it existing, but whether she was capable of it. And to be honest, she kind of reminds me of me in the beginning. Like she doesn't seem to believe love is possible for her. And I kind of feel that way a lot. It's not a lack of confidence thing, it's just something about myself. Like, if I were to ever love, I would only want it to be that deep-down spooky love, the love that doesn't consume you, but fits into you. But I don't think I can ever find that for real. Not the marrying type of love, or the lifelong love. I'm ok with that though, it's just how it is. It doesn't mean I'll never love, it just means I won't be flighty about it.
So anyway, back to the movie. Charlyne is interviewing people about love and seeing what other people think. And of course she starts dating Michael Cera, which wasn't a part of the documentary. They get along really well, and she does like them. However, at the end when they were asked to go to Paris for the movie, she was very confused, and asked why, and what the point was. The director says, "Well to show that you've found happiness in your life, that you've found love." And she says, "But I didn't." With Michael Cera right next to her. Honestly, I loved this part, because she was so honest about it. Cera breaks up with her, and she and the director go to Paris. At one point she kind of breaks down and says that she's not sad because they broke up, but that she's sad because he can't be with her because she can't love him. She says that she doesn't want to have to pretend to love some one. And I loved this part. Because, why should anyone have to pretend to love some one else?
But then the ending makes me unsure. So she goes to his house, and says she missed him, and it kind of seems like everything is alright. And I don't know how I feel about this. I mean happy endings can be great and all, but sometimes I'm partial to unhappy endings, or endings that are more real. I think I would have been more satisfied if their relationship had ended. Or if they got back together but she was straight with him and said she didn't love him and she didn't want to pretend. I don't know. It kind of seemed un-ended. But overall I did like it.
There was one part I liked and related with a lot. Charlyne talks about a dream she had where she was dressed in a big pink fluffy gown, and she has long blonde beautiful hair. And she's basically overly feminine. And her director says "Do you think it's because of you am Mike?" And she says that maybe it is, that she doesn't want to become "the girlfriend," she doesn't want that label. Almost as if becoming a girlfriend takes away a part of a persons personality. Almost as if becoming a girlfriend means becoming just a feminine figurehead. This worries me. But I see so much truth in it. Like why should girlfriend/boyfriend be so different from friends? I mean duh, there is more romance, and there is sex, but why does that have to change a person? And does it change a person? I think real relationships shouldn't do that, they shouldn't change a person, the should just lead to growth within a person.

I liked it though. Good move Charlyne.

30 day challenge

Ok, so I have seen some people doing this 30-day challenge thing. And I figured that since it is summer, and I have quite a bit of time on my hands, I will do it! So basically I answer one question or prompt every day. I will probably still write other stuff while I'm doing this, but I will do this. So here are the questions/prompts:
•Day 01 — Your favorite song
•Day 02 — Your favorite movie
•Day 03 — Your favorite television program
•Day 04 — Your favorite book
•Day 05 — Your favorite quote
•Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
•Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
•Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
•Day 09 — A photo you took
•Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
•Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
•Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
•Day 13 — A fictional book
•Day 14 — A non-fictional book
•Day 15 — A fanfic
•Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
•Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
•Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
•Day 19 — A talent of yours
•Day 20 — A hobby of yours
•Day 21 — A recipe
•Day 22 — A website
•Day 23 — A YouTube video
•Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
•Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
•Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
•Day 27 — This month, in great detail
•Day 28 — This year, in great detail
•Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
•Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 1- Your Favorite Song
Well, my all time favorite song is Ok I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't, by Brand New. It's one of those songs that helped me get through my adolescence, yet I still hold value in it today. But then there are other songs that I just love, like Set Fire to The Third Bar by Snow Patrol, Not About Love by Fiona Apple. So songs are just great. I don't really like choosing just one, because I love so many songs for so many different reasons. Plus, I kind of like songs as a part of something else. Like my favorite albums definitely beat my favorite songs. Albums in general are better than songs.